Jacek Sroka

My Papers


  • Sroka J., Hidders J.:
    On generating *-sound nets with substitution
    Inf. Syst., Volume 40, Pages 32-46 (2014)
    bib, pdf, ee


  • Hidders J., Sroka J., Missier P.:
    Report from the second workshop on scalable workflow enactment engines and technology (SWEET'13)
    SIGMOD Record, Volume 42, Issue 4, Pages 73-77 (2013)
    bib, pdf, ee

  • Grabowski M., Hidders J., Sroka J.:
    Representing MapReduce Optimisations in the Nested Relational Calculus
    SIGMOD Record, Volume 42, Issue 4, Pages 73-77 (2013)
    bib, pdf, ee

  • Hidders J., Missier P., Sroka J., Van den Bussche J.:
    Special Issue introduction: Scalable Workflow Enactment Engines and Technology. Preface
    Fundam. Inform., Volume 128, Issue 3, Pages i-iii (2013)
    bib, pdf, ee


  • Hidders J., Sroka J., Missier P.:
    Report from the first workshop on scalable workflow enactment engines and technology (SWEET'12)
    SIGMOD Record, Volume 41, Issue 4, Pages 60-64 (2012)
    bib, pdf, ee


  • Sroka J., Krupa Ł., Kierzek A. M., Tyszkiewicz J.:
    CalcTav – Integration of a Spreadsheet and Taverna Workbench
    Bioinformatics, Volume 27, Issue 18, Pages 2618-2619 (2011)
    bib, pdf, ee

  • Sroka J., Chrząstowski-Wachtel P., Hidders J.:
    On generating *-sound nets with substitution
    International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design (ACSD) 2011, Newcastle, UK
    bib, pdf, ee

  • Sroka J., Bieniasz-Krzywiec L., Gwozdz S., Leniowski D., Lacki J., Markowski M., Avignone-Rossa C., Bushell M.E., McFadden J., Kierzek A.M.:
    Acorn: A grid computing system for constraint based modeling and visualization of the genome scale metabolic reaction networks via a web interface
    BMC Bioinformatics, Volume 12, Pages 196 (2011)
    bib, pdf, ee

  • Rahwan T. , Michalak T., Elkind E., Faliszewski P., Sroka J., Wooldridge M., Jennings N. R.:
    Constrained Coalition Formation
    Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2011, San Francisco, USA
    bib, pdf, ee

  • Doherty P., Michalak T., Sroka J., Szalas A.:
    Contextual Coalitional Games
    Indian Conference on Logic and its Applications (ICLA) 2011, LNCS 6521, Pages 65-78
    bib, pdf


  • Michalak T. P., Sroka J., Rahwan T., Wooldridge M., McBurney P., Jennings N. R.:
    A distributed algorithm for anytime coalition structure generation
    International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) 2010, Pages 1007-1014
    bib, pdf

  • Rahwan T., Michalak T. P., Croitoru M., Sroka J., Jennings N. R.:
    A Network Flow Approach to Coalitional Games
    European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI) 2010, Pages 1017-1018
    bib, pdf

  • Dukielska M., Sroka J.:
    JavaSpaces NetBeans: a Linda workbench for distributed programming course
    Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE), ACM 2010, Pages 23-27
    bib, pdf

  • Sroka J., Hidders J., Missier P., Goble C.A.:
    A formal semantics for the Taverna 2 workflow model
    J. Comput. Syst. Sci. Volume 76, Issue 6, Pages 490-508 (2010)
    bib, pdf, ee

  • Sroka J., Włodarczyk P., Krupa Ł., Hidders J.:
    DFL designer: collection-oriented scientific workflows with Petri nets and nested relational calculus
    1st International Workshop on Workflow Approaches to New Data-centric Science (WANDS) 2010, Indianapolish, USA
    bib, pdf, ee


  • Sroka, J., Hidders, J.:
    Towards a Formal Semantics for the Process Model of the Taverna Workbench. Part I
    Fundamenta Informaticae, Volume 92, Issue 3, Pages 279–299 (2009)
    bib, pdf, ee

  • Sroka, J., Hidders, J.:
    Towards a Formal Semantics for the Process Model of the Taverna Workbench. Part II
    Fundamenta Informaticae, Volume 92, Issue 4, Pages 373-396 (2009)
    bib, pdf, ee

  • Michalak, T., Rahwan, T., Sroka, J., Dowell, A., Wooldridge, M., McBurney, P., Jennings, N.:
    On representing coalitional games with externalities
    ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC) 2009, Pages 11-20
    bib, pdf

  • Michalak, T., Sroka, J., Wooldridge, M., McBurney, P.:
    On distributing coalition structure generation
    Workshop on Concurrency, Specification, and Programming (CS&P) 2009, Pages 406-418
    bib, pdf


  • Hidders, J., Sroka, J.:
    Towards a Calculus for Collection-Oriented Scientific Workflows with Side Effects
    OTM Conferences (1) - Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS) 2008, LNCS 5331, Pages 374-391
    bib, pdf

  • Hidders, J., Kwasnikowska, N., Sroka, J., Tyszkiewicz, J., Van den Bussche, J.:
    DFL: A dataflow language based on Petri nets and nested relational calculus
    Information Systems, Volume 33, Issue 3, Pages 261-284 (2008)
    bib, pdf, ee


  • Hidders, J., Kwasnikowska, N., Sroka, J., Tyszkiewicz, J., Van den Bussche, J.:
    A formal model of dataflow repositories
    Workshop on Data Integration in Life Sciences (DILS) 2007, LNBI 4544, Pages 105-121
    bib, pdf

  • Dopiera, M., Kawa, A., Krewski, P., Sroka, J., Tyszkiewicz, J., Weksej, T.:
    Tavernalc: How to transform your OpenOffice Calc into a grid
    OpenOffice.org Annual Conference (OOoCon) 2007


  • Sroka, J., Kaczor, G., Tyszkiewicz, J., Kierzek A. M.:
    XQTav: an XQuery processor for Taverna environment
    Bioinformatics, Volume 22, Issue 10, Pages 1280-1281 (2006)
    bib, pdf, ee


  • Hidders, J., Kwasnikowska, N., Sroka, J., Tyszkiewicz, J., Van den Bussche, J.:
    Petri net + nested relational calculus = dataflow
    OTM Conferences (1) - Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS) 2005, LNCS 3760, Pages 220-237
    bib, pdf

  • Gambin, A., Hidders, J., Kwasnikowska, N., Lasota, S., Sroka, J., Tyszkiewicz, J., Van den Bussche, J.:
    NRC as a formal model for expressing bioinformatics workflows
    Poster at 13th Annual Int. Conf. on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB)
    bib, abstract, poster

  • Gambin, A., Hidders, J., Kwasnikowska, N., Lasota, S., Sroka, J., Tyszkiewicz, J., Van den Bussche, J.:
    Well constructed workflows in bioinformatics
    In: Proc. 1st Workshop on Database Issues in Biological Databases (DBiBD)
    bib, pdf


  • Sroka, J.:
    XQuery - kto pyta, nie błądzi
    Software 2.0, Volume 114, Issue 6, June 2004, Pages 18-23


  • Sroka, J.:
    Rozwijanie dużego systemu w warunkach akademickich
    In: Problemy i metody inżynierii oprogramowania, Proc. V Krajowa konferencja inżynierii oprogramowania, 2003, Pages 663-674
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Jacek Sroka Last modified on: 2014-12-15