Fano Manifolds

Jaroslaw Wisniewski, Warsaw University

Contents of lectures. Most topics are covered in standard references [CKM], [D*], [M], [KM]. I add only references which are specific for the particular subject.

  1. Introduction: Fano manifolds, Kobayashi-Ochiai theorem.
  2. Existence of rational curves on Fano manifolds, Frankel-Hartshorne conjecture [M1].
  3. Cone of curves on Fano manifolds, Mori theorem on the cone of curves [M2].
  4. Mukai's conjecture about Fano's of large (pseudo)index [W3*].
  5. Contractions of faces of Mori's cone; Kawamata-Shokurov base-point freeness.
  6. Castelnuovo theorem. Types of Mori's contractions. Estimates on the locus [W4].
  7. Homogeneous varieties and their contractions.
  8. Remmert - Van de Ven problem and related problems [L], [OW].
  9. Uniruled and rationally connected varieties.

Problem sheets:

  1. First problem set, intersection of curves and divisors.
  2. Second problem set, ruled surfaces.
  3. Third problem set, various problems.
  4. Fourth problem set, contractions of curves on surfaces.
  5. Fifth problem set, cones of Del Pezzo's.
  6. Sixth problem set, Del Pezzo's polytopes, part (1).
  7. Seventh problem set, Del Pezzo's polytopes, part (2).
  8. Eigth problem set, Root systems associated to Del Pezzo's.
  9. Nineth problem set, Combinatorics of S4.


Algebraic Geometry textbooks: Additional readings: