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Piotr Nayar
Liczba publikacji: 332023
- Alexandros Eskenazis, Piotr Nayar , Tomasz Tkocz, Distributional stability of the Szarek and Ball inequalities, Mathematische Annalen, 2023, s. 1-25. Zobacz w PBN
- Maciej Białobrzeski, Piotr Nayar , Rényi Entropy and Variance Comparison for Symmetric Log-Concave Random Variables, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 69 (6) 2023, s. 3431-3438. Zobacz w PBN
- Giulio Morina, Krzysztof Łatuszyński, Piotr Nayar , Alex Wendland, From the Bernoulli factory to a dice enterprise via perfect sampling of Markov chains, ANNALS OF APPLIED PROBABILITY, 32 (1) 2022, s. 327-359. Zobacz w PBN
- Giorgos Chasapis, Tomasz Tkocz, Piotr Nayar , Slicing ℓp-balls reloaded: Stability, planar sections in ℓ1, Annals of Probability, 50 (6) 2022, s. 2344-2372. Zobacz w PBN
- Iwona Chlebicka , Piotr Nayar , Essentially fully anisotropic Orlicz functions and uniqueness to measure data problem, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2021. Zobacz w PBN
- Alex Havrilla, Tomasz Tkocz, Piotr Nayar , Khinchin-Type Inequalities via Hadamard’s Factorisation, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2021. Zobacz w PBN
- Mokshay Madiman, Piotr Nayar , Tomasz Tkocz, Sharp Moment-Entropy Inequalities and Capacity Bounds for Symmetric Log-Concave Distributions, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 67 (1) 2021, s. 81-94. Zobacz w PBN
- Maciej Bartczak, Piotr Nayar , Szymon Zwara, Sharp Variance-Entropy Comparison for Nonnegative Gaussian Quadratic Forms, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 67 (12) 2021, s. 7740-7751. Zobacz w PBN
- Aline Bonami, Piotr Nayar , Tomasz Tkocz, Rafał Latała , Bounds on Moments of Weighted Sums of Finite Riesz Products, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 26 (6) 2020, s. 84. Zobacz w PBN
- M. D. Korzec, Piotr Nayar , Piotr Rybka , Correction to: Global Attractors of Sixth Order PDEs Describing the Faceting of Growing Surfaces, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, 32 (3) 2020, s. 1577-1578. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Nayar , Rafał Latała , Hadamard products and moments of random vectors, Advances in Mathematics, 375 2020, s. 107414. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Nayar , Tomasz Tkocz, On a convexity property of sections of the cross-polytope, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 148 (3) 2020, s. 1271-1278. Zobacz w PBN
- Mokshay Madiman, Piotr Nayar , Tomasz Tkocz, On the question of the best additive noise among symmetric log-concave noises, 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Paris, France, 7 lipca 2019 - 12 lipca 2019. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Nayar , Tomasz Tkocz, A multidimensional analogue of the Rademacher-Gaussian tail comparison, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 146 (1) 2018, s. 413-419. Zobacz w PBN
- Naomi Feldheim, Arnaud Marsiglietti, Piotr Nayar , Jing Wang, A note on the convex infimum convolution inequality, Bernoulli, 24 (1) 2018, s. 257-270. Zobacz w PBN
- Alexandros Eskenazis, Piotr Nayar , Tomasz Tkocz, Gaussian mixtures: entropy and geometric inequalities, Annals of Probability, 2018. Zobacz w PBN
- Alexandros Eskenazis, Piotr Nayar , Tomasz Tkocz, Sharp comparison of moments and the log-concave moment problem, Advances in Mathematics, 2018. Zobacz w PBN
- Galyna Livshyts, Arnaud Marsiglietti, Piotr Nayar , Artem Zvavitch, On the Brunn-Minkowski inequality for general measures with applications to new isoperimetric-type inequalities, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 369 (3) 2017, s. 8725-8742. Zobacz w PBN
- Keith Ball, Piotr Nayar , Tomasz Tkocz, A reverse entropy power inequality for log-concave random vectors, Studia Mathematica, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Ewa Damek, Rafał Latała , Piotr Nayar , Tomasz Tkocz, Two-sided bounds for L_p-norms of combinations of products of independent random variables, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Nayar , Tomasz Tkocz, A note on certain convolution operators, GAFA, Lecture Notes in Mathematics Vol. 2116/2014, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Nayar , Barbara Pilat, A note on the rational cuspidal curves, Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Olivier Guedon, Piotr Nayar , D. Ryabogin, Tomasz Tkocz, Artem Zvavitch, Analytical and probabilistic methods in the geometry of convex bodies, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Nayar , FKN theorem on the biased cube, Colloquium Mathematicum, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Nayar , Tomasz Tkocz, A note on a Brunn-Minkowski inequality for the Gaussian measure, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Nayar , Tomasz Tkocz, S-inequality for certain product measures, Mathematische Nachrichten, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Nayar , Tomasz Tkocz, The unconditional case of the complex S-inequality, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Maciej D. Korzec, Piotr Nayar , Piotr Rybka , Global Weak Solutions to a Sixth Order Cahn-Hilliard Type Equation, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Nayar , Krzysztof Oleszkiewicz , Khinchine type inequalities with optimal constants via ultra log-concavity, Positivity, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Nayar , Tomasz Tkocz, On a Loomis-Whitney type inequality for permutationally invariant unconditional convex bodies, GAFA, Lecture Notes in Mathematics Vol. 2050/2012, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Nayar , On polynomially bounded harmonic functions on the Zd lattice, Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Sergey Bobkov, Piotr Nayar , Prasad Tetali, Concentration properties of restricted measures with applications to non- Lipschitz functions, Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis: Israel Seminar (GAFA) 2014–2016, , s. 25-53. Zobacz w PBN
- Mokshay Madiman, Piotr Nayar , Tomasz Tkocz, Two Remarks on Generalized Entropy Power Inequalities, Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis: Israel Seminar (GAFA) 2017-2019 Volume II, , s. 169-185. Zobacz w PBN