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Tomasz Piasecki
Liczba publikacji: 182024
- Sadokat Malikova, Tomasz Piasecki , Piotr Krzyżanowski, Piotr Mucha , Comparative Analysis of Obstacle Approximation Strategies for the Steady Incompressible Navier–Stokes Equations, Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 89 (2) 2024, s. 1-20. Zobacz w PBN
- Raphaël Danchin, Piotr Mucha , Tomasz Piasecki , Stability of the density patches problem with vacuum for incompressible inhomogeneous viscous flows, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare. Annales: Analyse Non Lineaire/Nonlinear Analysis, 41 (4) 2023, s. 897-931. Zobacz w PBN
- Tomasz Piasecki , Ewelina Zatorska, Maximal Regularity for Compressible Two-Fluid System, Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics, 24 (2) 2022, s. 39: 1-25. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Tomasz Piasecki , Reacting Multi-component Fluids: Regular Solutions in Lorentz Spaces, Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics, 24 (2) 2022, s. 37: 1-24. Zobacz w PBN
- MAGDALENA ROSIŃSKA, Tomasz Piasecki , Piotr Mucha , On limits of contact tracing in epidemic control, PLoS ONE, 16 (8) 2021, s. e0256180. Zobacz w PBN
- Tomasz Piasecki , Yoshihiro Shibata, Ewelina Zatorska, On the maximal Lp-Lq regularity of solutions to a general linear parabolic system, Journal of Differential Equations, 268 (7) 2020, s. 3332-3369. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Tomasz Piasecki , Stationary compressible Navier–Stokes equations with inflow condition in domains with piecewise analytical boundaries, Pure and Applied Analysis, 2 (1) 2020, s. 123-155. Zobacz w PBN
- Ondřej Kreml, Šárka Nečasová, Tomasz Piasecki , Weak-strong uniqueness for the compressible fluid-rigid body interaction, Journal of Differential Equations, 268 (8) 2020, s. 4756-4785. Zobacz w PBN
- Ondřej Kreml, Šárka Nečasová, Tomasz Piasecki , Local existence of strong solutions and weak–strong uniqueness for the compressible Navier–Stokes system on moving domains, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics, 150 (5) 2019, s. 2255-2300. Zobacz w PBN
- Tomasz Piasecki , Yoshihiro Shibata, Ewelina Zatorska, On Strong Dynamics of Compressible Two-Component Mixture Flow, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 51 (4) 2019, s. 2793-2849. Zobacz w PBN
- Tomasz Piasecki , Y. Shibata, E. Zatorska, On the isothermal compressible multi-component mixture flow: The local existence and maximal Lp−Lq regularity of solutions, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 189 2019, s. 111571:1-111571:29. Zobacz w PBN
- Tomasz Piasecki , Milan Pokorny, On steady solutions to a model of chemically reacting heat conducting compressible mixture with slip boundary conditions, CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICS, 2018, s. 223-242. Zobacz w PBN
- Tomasz Piasecki , Steady transport equation in Sobolev-Slobodetskii spaces, Colloquium Mathematicum, 154 (1) 2018, s. 65-76. Zobacz w PBN
- Tomasz Piasecki , Waldemar Żarski, Kuchnia i stół w komunikacji społecznej : tekst, dyskurs, kultura [dokument elektroniczny], 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Tomasz Piasecki , Milan Pokorny, Weak and variational entropy solutions to the system describing steady flow of a compressible reactive mixture, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 159 2017, s. 365-392. Zobacz w PBN
- Maria Ekiel-Jeżewska, Tomasz Piasecki , Agnieszka Słowicka, Eligiusz Wajnryb, Alexander Farutin, Chaouqi Misbah, Dynamics of flexible fibers and vesicles in Poiseuille flow at low Reynolds number, SOFT MATTER, 12 2016, s. 7307-7323. Zobacz w PBN
- Tomasz Piasecki , Strong solutions to the Navier–Stokes–Fourier system with slip–inflow boundary conditions, ZAMM-Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 94 (12) 2014, s. 1035–1057. Zobacz w PBN
- Ondřej Kreml, Šárka Nečasová, Tomasz Piasecki , Compressible Navier-Stokes System on a Moving Domain in the Lp − Lq Framework, Waves in Flows: The 2018 Prague-Sum Workshop Lectures, , s. 127-158. Zobacz w PBN