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Andrzej Nagórko
Liczba publikacji: 192024
- Andrzej Nagórko , Marcin Waniek, Małgorzata Róg, Michał Godziszewski, Barbara Rosiak, Tomasz Paweł Michalak, General Markov Model for Solving Patrolling Games, 40th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Barcelona, Spain, 15 lipca 2024 - 19 lipca 2024. Zobacz w PBN
- Tomasz Michalak , Michał Godziszewski , Andrzej Nagórko , Ochrona infrastruktury krytycznej z wykorzystaniem teorii gier, technik optymalizacji i algorytmów sztucznej inteligencji, Terroryzm - studia, analizy, prewencja, 4 (4) 2023, s. 13-47. Zobacz w PBN
- Andrzej Nagórko , Paweł Ciosmak, Tomasz Michalak , Two-phase Attacks in Security Games, 2023 Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Pittsburgh, the United States of America, 1 sierpnia 2023 - 3 sierpnia 2023. Zobacz w PBN
- Andrzej Nagórko , Paweł Ciosmak, Tomasz Michalak , Two-phase Security Games, The 22nd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, London, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 29 maja 2023 - 2 czerwca 2023. Zobacz w PBN
- Gregory C. Bell, Andrzej Nagórko , A construction of Nöbeling manifolds of arbitrary weight, Fundamenta Mathematicae, 250 2020, s. 227-242. Zobacz w PBN
- Gregory C. Bell, Andrzej Nagórko , Local k-connectedness of an inverse limit of polyhedra, Fundamenta Mathematicae, 250 2020, s. 211-225. Zobacz w PBN
- G. Bell, Damian Głodkowski , Andrzej Nagórko , Decomposition theorems for asymptotic property C and property A, Topology and its Applications, 256 2019, s. 248-261. Zobacz w PBN
- Andrzej Nagórko , Parallel Nested Rollout Policy Adaptation, The Conference on Games (COG) 2019, Londyn, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 20 sierpnia 2019 - 23 sierpnia 2019. Zobacz w PBN
- Gregory C. Bell, Andrzej Nagórko , On the stability of asymptotic property C for products and some group extensions, Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 18 (1) 2018, s. 221-245. Zobacz w PBN
- G. Bell, D. Moran, Andrzej Nagórko , Coarse property C and decomposition complexity, Topology and its Applications, 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Henryk Michalewski , Andrzej Nagórko , Jakub Pawlewicz , 485 – A New Upper Bound for Morpion Solitaire, Fourth Workshop on Computer Games, CGW 2015, Held in Conjunction with the 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 26-27, 2015., Buenos Aires, Argentina, 26 lipca 2015 - 27 lipca 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Henryk Michalewski , Andrzej Nagórko , Jakub Pawlewicz , An upper bound of 84 for Morpion Solitaire 5D, 28th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, Vancouver, Canada, 3 sierpnia 2016 - 5 sierpnia 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Oskar Skibski , Henryk Michalewski , Andrzej Nagórko , Tomasz Michalak , Andrew Dowell, Talal Rahwan, Michael Wooldridge, Non-Utilitarian Coalition Structure Generation, 2016 European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Hague, the Netherlands, 29 sierpnia 2016 - 2 września 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- G. C. Bell, Andrzej Nagórko , A new construction of universal spaces for asymptotic dimension, Topology and its Applications, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Andrzej Nagórko , Characterization and topological rigidity of N\öbeling manifolds, MEMOIRS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, 223 (1048) 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Alex Chigogidze, Andrzej Nagórko , Near-homeomorphisms of Nobeling manifolds, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Andrzej Nagórko , Carrier and nerve theorems in the extension theory, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2007. Zobacz w PBN
- Andrzej Nagórko , Carrier and nerve theorems in the extension theory, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 135 (2) 2006, s. 551-558. Zobacz w PBN
- Henryk Michalewski , Andrzej Nagórko , Jakub Pawlewicz , An upper bound of 84 for Morpion Solitaire 5D, Proceedings of the 28th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, CCCG 2016, August 3-5, 2016, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Zobacz w PBN