Cotygodniowe seminarium badawcze
- prof. dr hab. Rafał Latała
czwartki, 12:15 , sala: 3160Strona domowa referatów
14 marca 2024 12:15
Stanisław Cichomski
On the existence of extreme coherent distributions with no atoms
I will talk about extreme points of C, the family of all two-variate coherent distributions on [0,1]^2. It is well-known that the set C is convex and weak∗ compact, and all extreme points of C …
7 marca 2024 12:15
Adam Osękowski
Nierówność maksymalna dla zastopowanego dwuparametrowego procesu Wienera (A maximal inequality for a stopped two-parameter Brownian motion)
Zaprezentujemy elementy ogólnej teorii optymalnego stopowania dla procesów indeksowanych zbiorami częściowo uporządkowanymi. Jako przykład, omówimy pewne optymalne oszacowanie dla procesu Wienera indeksowanego zbiorem [0,oo)^2.
25 stycznia 2024 12:15
Marta Strzelecka (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
Umiarkowane odchylenia lakunarnych sum trygonometrycznych
Wiadomo z klasycznych już dziś prac Kaca, Salema i Zygmunda oraz Erdősa i Gála, że zachowanie lakunarnych sum trygonometrycznych w wielu aspektach okazuje się być takie samo jak zachowanie sum niezależnych zmiennych losowych. Zachodzi dla …
18 stycznia 2024 12:15
Krzysztof Oleszkiewicz (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
On the asymptotic behaviour of the optimal constants in the Khinchine-Kahane inequality
We will discuss some recent progress in understanding the asymptotic behaviour of the optimal constants in the Khinchine-Kahane inequality between p-th and q-th moments of Rademacher sums. The talk will mostly deal with the most …
14 grudnia 2023 12:15
Bogusław Zegarliński (IM PAN)
Coercive inequalities for Gibbs measures
I will provide some review and present some new results concerning coercive inequalities (Poincare, Log-Sob, IFI) for finite and infinite dimensional systems (associated with some metric measure spaces).
7 grudnia 2023 12:15
Tomasz Tkocz (Carnegie Mellon University)
Hardwired... to Szarek and Ball
I shall present an extension of Szarek’s optimal Khinchin inequality (1976) for distributions close to the Rademacher one when all the weights are uniformly bounded by a 1/√2 fraction of their total l_2 mass; similarly …
30 listopada 2023 12:15
Michał Kotowski (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
The local and global limit of the continuous-time Mallows process
The Mallows process is a process of random permutations whose marginal at time $t$ is the Mallows distribution with parameter $t$. It can be thought of as interpolating between the identity permutation and the reverse …
23 listopada 2023 12:15
Witold Bednorz (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
Estimating positive processes
Recently, the Talagrand conjecture regarding selector processes has been proved: work by Pham and Park. This conjecture concerned the characterization of the expected value of the process supremum in terms of the existence of an …
16 listopada 2023 12:15
Adam Osękowski (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
Oszacowania dla paraproduktów i całek stochastycznych (Inequalities for paraproducts and stochastic integrals)
Paraprodukty to operatory pojawiające się w naturalny sposób w teorii całek singularnych; z grubsza rzecz ujmując, dowolny operator singularny daje się rozłożyć na sumę dwóch paraproduktów oraz zwykłego operatora splotowego. Z uwagi na ten fakt, …
9 listopada 2023 12:15
Marcin Kotowski (CFT PAN)
Circuit complexity of unitary evolutions generated by random GUE Hamiltonians
I will present some applications of random matrix theory and concentration of measure on the unitary group to the problem of circuit complexity in quantum computing. Quantum time evolutions are described by unitary matrices. Circuit …
26 października 2023 12:15
Rafał Martynek (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
Lipschitz comparison for Bernoulli processes
I’ll discuss an improvement of the recent result by Chu and Raginsky ( concerning comparison of the expected suprema of Bernoulli processes with respect to some Lipschitz mapping. Our result (together with Witold Bednorz) is …
12 października 2023 12:15
Maciej Wiśniewolski
Gaussian Multiplicative Chaos on balls: Laplace transforms, small deviations and some connections with maximal packing
During my talk i will show some new representations of Laplace transforms of the Gaussian Multiplicative Chaos (GMC) on Euclidean balls in R^d. I will discuss the problem of small deviations of GMC and their …
5 października 2023 12:15
Kunal Dutta (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
Dimensionality Reduction for Persistent Homology with Gaussian Kernels
Computing persistent homology using Gaussian kernels is useful in the domains of topological data analysis and machine learning. We consider a power distance version of the Gaussian kernel distance (GKPD) given by Phillips, Wang and …
25 maja 2023 12:15
Rafał Latała (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
Chevet's type inequality for subexponential Weibull processes and norms of random matrices with iid entries
We will present a Chevet-type inequality for subexpontial Weibull processes and show how it may be applied to find two-sided bounds for operator \ell_p to \ell_q norms of random rectangular matrices with iid Weibull entries. …
18 maja 2023 12:15
Alexandros Eskenazis (Sorbonne Université)
Discrete logarithmic Sobolev inequalities in Banach spaces
We shall discuss certain aspects of vector-valued harmonic analysis on the discrete hypercube. After presenting the geometric motivation behind such investigations, we will survey known results on the Poincaré inequality and Talagrand’s influence inequality. Then …