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Sir Charles Anthony Richard Hoare – nadanie tytułu doktora honoris causa UW

Na wniosek Rady Wydziału MIM UW Sir Charles Antony Richard Hoare otrzymał doktorat honorowy UW.
Promotorem doktoratu jest pan profesor Władysław M. Turski.

W związku z tym wydarzeniem, 26 listopada 2012 r., o godz. 12.15, laureat wygłosił otwarty wykład: Could computers understand their own programs?

Summary: I interpret this question by drawing on the logic of Aristotle, the geometry of Euclid, and the discovery of assertions by Alan Turing. I suggest an analogue of the Turing test for testing the understanding of computers. It is by an interactive (viva voce) examination, in the same way that we test the understanding of our students. The essential criterion of understanding is that the student can justify each answer with evidence explaining the why it follows. The computer passes the test if its answers to questions are of practical value to professional programmers.

27 listopada 2012 odbyło się otwarte spotkanie laureata ze studentami i doktorantami.

Zdjęcia: Ewa Bankiewicz