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Six dubious ways to estimate the difficulty of a chess puzzle

Jan Zyśko
Oct. 8, 2021, 2:15 p.m.
Information about the event
5820 i online
Seminar Intelligent Systems

Serdecznie zapraszamy na pierwsze spotkanie seminarium w roku akademickim 2021/22. Referat w formie hybrydowej (na żywo i on-line pod adresem ) wygłosi Jan Zyśko.

We cordially invite all participants to the first presentation of the new academic year 2021/22. The hybrid presentation (in person and on-line at will be delivered by Jan Zyśko.


Tytuł: Sześć wątpliwych sposobów na estymację trudności zadania szachowego.

Title: Six dubious ways to estimate the difficulty of a chess puzzle.

Abstract: Despite recent advances in mimicking human play, there is still a huge gap to bridge before engines can be used efficiently for improving chess skills. One milestone is to be able to estimate how difficult a given position is to solve. This would allow the chess player to objectively gauge the quality of their play. I present several plausible approaches based on existing chess models created for optimal play. In particular, I present models based on ensembling predictions from engines used to emulate weak human play, entropy measures of the engines’ policy heads, and the properties of MCTS ran on the positions.


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