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dr hab. Paweł Goldstein, prof. ucz.
- Affiliation
profesor uczelni,
Institute of Mathematics
- Phone
- 55-44-516
- Room
- 4440
- Website
- Other information
- Employee's page on USOSweb
- Office hours (availability for students)
Konsultacje : wtorki 16:00-17:30
Terminy obowiązują w czasie trwania zajęć dydaktycznych.
- Head of studies – mathematics and computer science Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics
Fields of research
Analysis and PDEs
Geometric analysis, geometric function and mapping theory; measure theory, convex analysis geometrically motivated PDE's (harmonic, n-harmonic, polyharmonic mappings) -
Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
Finite and infinite-dimensional gradient flows, singularities of analytic vector fields; elliptic and parabolic nonlinear partial differential equations and systems; calculus of variations on metric measure spaces
Commissions, councils
Topological methods of geometric analysis
Financed by: National Science Center (Opus)