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Mathematical insects


Tomasz Lizurej – public defence of the doctoral dissertation

Tomasz Lizurej – public defence of the doctoral dissertation

The public defence of the doctoral dissertation will take place on 22 November 2024 at 12:00 PM in room 2180 in the building of the MIMUW Faculty at 2 Banacha Street, Warsaw.

Title of the dissertation: On Security of Systems Built on Blockchains
Supervisor: Prof. Stefan Dziembowski (University of Warsaw)
Assistant supervisor: Ph.D. Tomasz Michalak (University of Warsaw)

One postdoctoral position in the scientific project "Between proof theory, reverse mathematics, and the model theory of arithmetic"

One postdoctoral position in the scientific project "Between proof theory, reverse mathematics, and the model theory of arithmetic"

The project concerns various issues related to the model theory and proof theory of first- and second-order arithmetic. The three main research topics are:

  • Models of collection principles, in particular expansions of models that satisfy collection but not induction for a given class of formulas.
  • The first-order consequences of second-order statements (in particular combinatorial statements) over various base theories in second-order arithmetic.
  • The development of a theory of proof sizes and proof speedup for subtheories of arithmetic.

The candidate should have research experience (documented by publications or preprints) in at least one of the following areas of mathematical logic: nonstandard models of arithmetic, proof theory of arithmetic, reverse mathematics.

One postdoctoral research position in the scientific project  "Infinity in reasoning about data and knowledge"

One postdoctoral research position in the scientific project "Infinity in reasoning about data and knowledge"

The project aims to bring together the paradigms of databases on one hand and knowledge representation and reasoning on the other hand, mainly in the area of query processing and reasoning. Eligible candidates should hold a PhD degree in computer science and have
an excellent background in one or more of the following fields:
● database theory
● knowledge representation and reasoning
● logic in computer science.

Application deadline: November 16, 2024

Jakub Paliga – public defence of the doctoral dissertation

Jakub Paliga – public defence of the doctoral dissertation

The remote online public defence of the doctoral dissertation will take place on 18 November 2024 at 16:00.

Title of the dissertation: Equivariant Khovanov Homotopy Types
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Maciej Borodzik (Institute of Mathematics Polish Academy of Sciences, University of Warsaw)

The link to the defence meeting will be made available after prior registration by e-mail

The registration of participants will be open until 15th November 2024.
