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Cross-lingual Prosody Transfer for Expressive Machine Dubbing

Jakub Świątkowski
Uniwersytet Warszawski, Amazon
June 22, 2023, 12:15 p.m.
Information about the event
Seminarium "Machine Learning"

In this seminar, I will present our two papers on cross-lingual prosody transfer for machine dubbing accepted to INTERSPEECH 2023. Prosody transfer is well-studied in the context of expressive speech synthesis. Cross-lingual prosody transfer, however, is challenging and has been under-explored to date. In these papers, we present a novel solution to learn prosody representations that are transferable across languages and speakers for machine dubbing of expressive multimedia contents. Multimedia contents often contain field recordings. To enable prosody transfer from noisy audios, we introduce a novel noise modelling module that disentangles noise conditioning from prosody conditioning, and thereby gains independent control of noise levels in the synthesised speech. Our proposed system can generate speech with context-matching prosody and closes the gap between a strong baseline and human expressive dialogs by 40%.