Financial Mathematics
Modelling of financial markets, pricing of derivatives, applications of stochastic analysis in financial mathematics, portfolio theory, term structure modelling, risk measures.
Employees and PhD students
dr hab. Michał Barski
Term structure models of interest rates, affine models with Lévy processes, risk minimizing hedging strategies, jump processes in models of financial markets
prof. dr hab. Jacek Jakubowski
Applications of stochastic analysis in financial mathematics, term structure models, bond markets, futures markets, measuring and management of risk, pricing of financial derivatives
prof. dr hab. Wojciech Niemiro
Probabilistic and statistical models in insurance: Models of reinsurance, optimal reinsurance contracts, methods of computing the probability of ruin, Bayesian models of credibility theory
prof. dr hab. Leszek Plaskota
Computational mathematics and numerical analysis, construction of efficient numerical algorithms for high dimensional problems with applications in finance
dr Bartłomiej Polaczyk
Applications of stochastic analysis in quantitative finance. Calibration of models, derivative pricing
dr Tomasz Tkaliński
Actuarial modelling, solvency modelling, risk measures
dr hab. Agnieszka Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel, prof. ucz.
Games with a continuum of players and their applications in ecosystems, simplified economies and models of financial markets, existence and properties of Nash equilibria in such games, mathematical economics
dr hab. Maciej Wiśniewolski
Stochastic analysis, Markov processes, random field theory (Gassian, Poisson) in models of financial mathematics