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Modelling of financial markets, pricing of derivatives, applications of stochastic analysis in financial mathematics, portfolio theory, term structure modelling, risk measures.


Employees and PhD students

  • dr hab. Michał Barski

    Term structure models of interest rates, affine models with Lévy processes, risk minimizing hedging strategies, jump processes in models of financial markets

  • prof. dr hab. Jacek Jakubowski

    Applications of stochastic analysis in financial mathematics, term structure models, bond markets, futures markets, measuring and management of risk, pricing of financial derivatives

  • prof. dr hab. Wojciech Niemiro

    Probabilistic and statistical models in insurance: Models of reinsurance, optimal reinsurance contracts, methods of computing the probability of ruin, Bayesian models of credibility theory

  • prof. dr hab. Leszek Plaskota

    Computational mathematics and numerical analysis, construction of efficient numerical algorithms for high dimensional problems with applications in finance

  • dr Bartłomiej Polaczyk

    Applications of stochastic analysis in quantitative finance. Calibration of models, derivative pricing

  • dr Tomasz Tkaliński

    Actuarial modelling, solvency modelling, risk measures

  • dr hab. Agnieszka Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel, prof. ucz.

    Games with a continuum of players and their applications in ecosystems, simplified economies and models of financial markets, existence and properties of Nash equilibria in such games, mathematical economics

  • dr hab. Maciej Wiśniewolski

    Stochastic analysis, Markov processes, random field theory (Gassian, Poisson) in models of financial mathematics