Algebraic Geometry
Algebraic group actions, moduli problems, toric geometry, surfaces and higher dimensional algebraic varieties, affine geometry, secant varieties, Hilbert schemes, geometry over fields of positive characteristic, relations to algebraic topology.
Employees and PhD students
dr hab. Maciej Borodzik
Curves on surfaces, deformations of curves singularities, connections with knot theory, lattice homology
dr Weronika Buczyńska
Toric geometry, secant varieties, rank of tensors
dr Maria Donten-Bury
Cox rings, resolution of singularities, hyperkaehler manifolds, combinatorial algebraic geometry
dr hab. Joachim Jelisiejew
Finite schemes, Hilbert chemes, tropical geometry
dr Oskar Kędzierski
Toric geometry, G-Hilbert schemes, quiver representations
prof. dr hab. Adrian Langer
Moduli spaces, surfaces and higher dimensional varieties, algebraic geometry over fields of positive characteristic
dr hab. Tomasz Maszczyk
Complex algebraic geometry, non-commutative geometry
dr hab. Andrzej Weber, prof. UW
Topology of algebraic varieties: intersection cohomology, weight filtration, equivariant cohomology, Thom polynomials and equivariant characteristic classes of singularities
prof. dr hab. Jarosław Wiśniewski
Fano manifolds, varieties with group actions.
prof. dr hab. Henryk Żołądek
Jacobian conjecture, connections of ODE's with algebraic geometry.