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dr hab. Anh Linh Nguyen, prof. ucz.
- Affiliation
profesor uczelni,
Institute of Informatics
- Phone
- 55-44-440
- Room
- 4400
- Website
- Other information
- Employee's page on USOSweb
- Office hours (availability for students)
poniedziałek, 14:15 - 15:15
Fields of research
Artificial Intelligence and Multiagent Systems
Modal logic, description logic, automated reasoning, deductive databases -
Deductive databases -
Logic in Computer Science
Software Engineering
Logic programming, multimodal logic programming
Commissions, councils
Advanced Reasoning Methods and Optimization Techniques for the Problems of Ontology Classification and Consistency Checking of Ontologies
Financed by: National Science Center
A theory of logic programming in modal and description logics
Financed by: Ministry of Science and Higher Education