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prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Diks
- Affiliation
Institute of Informatics
- Phone
- 55-44-426
- Room
- 4260
- Other information
- Employee's page on USOSweb
- Office hours (availability for students)
Środy, 12 - 14
termin konsultacji obowiązuje w czasie trwania zajęć dydaktycznych
Fields of research
Graph algorithms -
Parallel and distributed systems
Parallel and distributed algorithms, communication problems in networks
Commissions, councils
Theory and practice of computing maximum matchings in graphs
Financed by: Ministry of Science and Higher Education
RCS Network Test Server
Financed by: Samsung Electronics Polska Sp. z o.o.
Automated Penetration Assessment System for Mobile Phones
Financed by: Samsung Electronics Polska Sp. z o.o.
Adaptive simulations in modeling large decision processes with application to Go game (doctoral dissertation grant)
Financed by: Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Algebraic graph algorithms (doctoral dissertation grant )
Financed by: State Committee for Scientific Research
Algorithmic path problems in planar graphs (doctoral dissertation grant)
Financed by: State Committee for Scientific Research
Structural properties of planar graphs and their algorithmic applications ( doctoral dissertation grant )
Financed by: State Committee for Scientific Research