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Completion of studies step by step

  1. having your thesis topic approved in the Theses Archive (APD) application is submitted by the supervisor);
  2. uploading your thesis to the Theses Archive (APD) (if the ability to upload files is blocked, ask your supervisor to correct this in the Theses Archive (APD); there is no longer an obligation to submit paper copies;
  3. examining the thesis in the anti-plagiarism system (by the thesis supervisor), proposing two reviewers of the thesis (by the thesis supervisor) - all the steps are taken in the Theses Archive (APD);
  4. agreeing with the supervisor and the reviewer (designated by the vice-dean for student affairs) on 2-3 possible dates for the diploma examination (date and time intervals) and sending them by e-mail to the student office approximately one week in advance (this step does not apply to the bachelor examination in computer science); when sending the proposed dates, indicate in which form you prefer the exam to take place. At the request of the thesis supervisor notified by e-mail to vice-dean Goldstein, the examination may take place online;
  5. having checked which of the persons authorised to chair diploma examinations is available on the proposed dates, the student office sends a return email with the agreed exam date (date and committee details are entered into the Theses Archive (APD); 
  6. in the case of online examinations, the chairperson of the diploma examination Committee should provide a link to the meeting; in the case of onsite examinations, the room number should be visible in the Theses Archive (APD);
  7. after the exam - filling in your clearance slip in USOS (it will be available in the module: "COMMON SECTION/Clearance slips"); for those who started their studies before the academic year 2019/20 - paying the fee for issuing the diploma (usosweb - "Payments" tab, module: COMMON SECTION);

The diploma should be ready for collection within a month from the date of the exam. Information about the possibility to collect the diploma should be available on the USOSWeb.