About me

I am an Assistant Professor at the University of Warsaw. I am especially interested in (computational) social choice, in particular in committee elections and participatory budgeting. I was awarded the 2020 IJCAI Computers and Thought Award in recognition of my contributions to computational social choice and the theory of committee elections. I have coauthored a book on this fascinating topic.

I am one of the authors of the Method of Equal Shares, which is a proportional election method dedicated for participatory budgeting. I believe this is by far the best currently known voting method for participatory budgeting, and a few cities already use it in their elections (e.g., Wieliczka, Poland; Aarau, Switzerland). It is also recommended by the Poland’s Regional Chamber of Accounting.

I am interested in linking various ideas from (cooperative) game theory, fair allocation, approximation algorithms and computational social choice.

You can jump directly to the sections describing my awards, a brief version of my curriculum vitae, and my academic service.


Short bio

A very brief version of my curriculum vitae: 

Academic service

I am actively reviewing for various conferences and journals: