Jaroslaw A. Wisniewski

Talks and Notes

  • Two elephants (almost) imply LeBrun-Salamon conjecture, slides, Bedlewo 2024.
  • Cutting pants and matrix inversion: C* actions and invariants , slides, 2024 Waclaw Sierpinski Lecture.
  • Small bandwidth C*-actions and birational geometry, Steklov MI RAS, Moscow 2019.
  • Algebraic torus action and contact manifolds, slides, Genova 2018.
  • Combinatorics of torus action and low dimensional contact manifolds, HSE Moscow, Fall 2017.
  • Instruments of algebraic torus action, slides, Fall 2017.
  • Flag varieties, a geometric characterization and rigidity, BIRS Oaxaca, May 2017.
  • On 81 symplectic resolutions of a 4-dimensional quotient by a group of order 32, slides, Spring 2014.
  • Another view on Cox rings: Jaczewski's theorem revisited, Steklov MI RAS, Moscow 2012.
  • Cox rings of resolutions of quotient singularities, slides, Hannover, Ferbuary, 2012.
  • Symplectic contractions of 4-folds, slides, Warsaw, October 2010.
  • Pragmatic 2010: Cox rings of resolutions of singularities and Mori cones of Fano spaces, slides, Catania, August and September 2010.
  • Fano spaces and marked polytopes, slides, Sopot, May 2010.
  • Polyhedral divisors of Cox rings, slides, Madrid, December 2009.
  • Counting points in polytopes and models of phylogenetic trees, slides, UTB and CSU, April 2009.
  • On the Kummer construction, slides, MSRI, Berkeley, March 2009.
  • Extremal contractions: Definitions and examples, Vanishing, non-vanishing and slicing, Rational curves in fibers, Applications, slides, Grenoble School, June 2007.
  • Algebraic varieties arising from phylognetic trees, slides, ICM Satellite Conference, Segovia 2006.
  • On phylogenetic trees - geometer's view, slides, general audience talk, MS Research Center, Trento, 2006.
  • Toric Mori Theory and Fano Manifolds, notes, Grenoble 2000 school.
  • Rational curves and higher dimensional geometry, program, Cortona 2000 school.
  • Lecture notes on singularities, notes, Trento 1995 (ps file, no pictures)

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