Homepage of Francesco Galuppi


Room 5260, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, Banacha 2, 02-097 Warsaw, Poland.

Email address: galuppi@mimuw.edu.pl. My Orcid is 0000-0001-5630-5389. I'm the principal investigator of the Sonata grant "Tensor rank and its applications to signature tensors of paths", project 2023/51/D/ST1/02363, awarded by the National Science Center, Poland.

My background is in complex algebraic geometry. I have been working on the geometry of tensor decompositions and its relations with the study of secant varieties. Essentially, the tools we used come from projective and birational geometry. Tensors are very versatile objects that don’t appear only in math. In many applied sciences, important families of tensors naturally arise. I use a geometric approach to study their structure and the information they carry. I like to interact with mathematicians with different backgrounds than mine, and explore applications of my expertise.

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