
UWletterhead is a LaTEX class package that enables to create official PDF documents for Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics of University of Warsaw.
The package is based on:

► Example




\renewcommand{\UWinstitute}{Instytut Informatyki}
\renewcommand{\UWphone}{+48 22 55 44 403}


\UWdate{Warszawa, 6 marca 2017}

\UWaddressee{Prof. dr hab. Jan Anonim}

Szanowny Panie Profesorze,

Pójdźże, kiń tę chmurność w głąb flaszy!


\UWsignature{Z wyrazami szacunku,\\[10mm]Micha{\l} Skrzypczak}


► Quick Start Guide

The package needs all the files from the directory /bin to be put in the current directory of your *.tex file!

For more information, see README.txt.

► Download


Layout issues

► Function & name font

There is a conflict between Identification Codebook and the examples given at the website of Identifaction Code.

The codebook (page 16) defines that:

The examples use regular font, gray for both. Sometimes the function and the rest is put in one line, sometimes in separate lines.

The current version of the template follows Identification Codebook, except for the color that is gray not black.

► Address footer position

Identification Codebook specifies that the address footer should be aligned left and positioned 56 mm from the left border of the page. The examples violate this, the distance is 53.5 mm instead of 56 mm.

The current version of the template follows Identification Codebook.

► Margins and padding

Identification Codebook does not specify the general margins of the documents nor spacing between the elements (e.g. the header and the body text). These values are chosen arbitrarily and can be modified by user (see \geometry and \UWheadsep macros).

► Arimo font

Identification Codebook specifies that the font used for all the elements of the document should be Arimo. However, as this font is not included in the standard distributions of LaTeX, using it introduces certain technical problems. One of them is, that on certain machines, the font is unable to correctly present the Polish {\l} symbol in boldface.

The current version of the template allows to use Arimo font by including option `arimo` in the \documentclass[]{UWletterhead} arguments. However the default font for UWletterhead is Droid, which is similar to Arimo but different.

► Verification

It is possible to verify the relative alignment of the elements in the document in comparison to the examples presented at the webpage of Identifiation. These examples (transformed to PDF) are available in directory \templates in the files section of this webpage. You can also download all of them in an archive.

To use one of those examples, you can include option \renewcommand{\UWoverlap}{path-to-a-given-file}, for instance:


\renewcommand{\UWinstitute}{Instytut Informatyki}

\renewcommand{\UWemail}{\ }




There are certain discrepancies, as discussed above.

► Measurement

An external way is to use Adobe Acrobat reader (or other tool) to measure the relative positions of the elements of the layout. For instance Adobe Acrobat provides a tool called Measuring tool under Edit ≫ Analysis menu.



This is latex class UWletterhead.cls readme file.

=== USAGE ====================================================================

To create a file new.pdf using the template:
* Create an empty directory newDir on your computer.
* Copy to newDir all the files from /bin/.
* Create a latex file new.tex in newDir.
* Input content to new.tex (you can copy one of the examples there).
* Take care of input encoding if needed (i.e. add \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc})
* Execute command pdflatex new.tex twice (!!!)
* The produced file new.pdf contains the result of the template.

=== STRUCTURE ================================================================

The downloaded archive contains binaries for the class and examples.

* /bin			files needed to compile a new document
* /bin/Arimo-*		the fonts used by the class
* /bin/T1Arimo.fd	configuration of the Arimo font
* /bin/T1-WGL4.enc	a simple encoding file for Arimo font
* /bin/UWletterhead.cls	the class itself
* /bin/UWlogo*		logos of UW used in the headers of the documents
* /bin/MIMlogo.pdf	logo of MIM UW used in the headers of the documents

* /doc			documentation of the class and examples
* /doc/example*		two simple examples using UWletterhead.cls
* /doc/manual.tex	manual that discusses use of all the available options
			and macros provided by the class
* /doc/unit_list.tex	a template file with options setting up the class for
			all the units of Faculty

* /test/*		a copy of the files from /bin used to
			compile documents using UWletterhead.cls
* /test/test.tex	a test tex file

=== REQUIREMENTS =============================================================

The class is compatible with the pdflatex compiler. It does not work with
the pure LaTeX compiler.

=== INSTALLATION =============================================================

The class does not require any installation.

=== LIMIMTATIONS =============================================================

1) The class requires pdflatex to work, compiling using latex gives an error.
2) To properly find positions of all the elements of the layout, the class
	requires double compilation, i.e. to obtain a complete pdf file you
	need to run pdflatex twice.

=== TODO =====================================================================

* Consider adding an option to install UWletterhead as a latex package in
	your system (it would remove the need of copying bin to every
	directory where the class is used).

* The current way the font Arimo is provided to the package is a hack.
	There may be a simple way to install the font. It is NOT included in
	standard Latex distros (like texlive). It is tricky in general
	to add a custom font to latex.




% Packages needed to process options and helpful macros


% A macro that outputs #2 if the (!!!) macro given as the parameter #1
% produces empty output.

% A macro that outputs #2 if the (!!!) macro given as the parameter #1
% produces non-empty output.

% Parameters for processing the class options

% The default language used by the class. Other possible value (set by the
% class option english) is english.

% The default font used in the documents. Altough Identification Codebook
% enforces the font Arimo, it is possible to use certain similar fonts
% instead. The reason is compatibility with various LaTeX environments.
% The default one is Droid.

% The logo file used at the upper-left corner (including the eagle
% and the text University of Warsaw).

% The logo file used at the upper-right corner (only five letters UW + MIM).

% Names of the faculty, instutite, function, and/or person (can be left
% empty). These names are called `unit names`.
\newcommand{\UWfaculty}{Wydzia{\l} Matematyki, Informatyki i Mechaniki}

% The actual address, phone number, and e-mail address
\newcommand{\UWaddress}{ul. Banacha~2, 02-097 Warszawa, Polska}

% Prefixes, like: 'Address: ', 'Telephone: ', 'E-mail: ', etc
\newcommand{\UWprefEMail}{e-mail: }

% The text of the footer, including hyperrefs

% The name of the overlap file (if needed). This file will be presented as
% a background for the whole document on each page where \UWheader is
% invoked. If you use one of the templates/... file as \UWoverlap then
% you can verify if the layout produced by UWletterhead alignes with the
% official document.

% The distance between the header and the text below it.

% By default page numbering is on if and only if the document has more
% than one page.

% Default colours, as specified in Identification Codebook.

% Default font size for the body of the text.

% Processing actual options of the class

% Default option: the language is Polish

% The language is English, it influences the logo file, prefixes, etc
		{Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics}
	\renewcommand{\UWaddress}{Banacha~2, 02-097 Warsaw, Poland}
	\renewcommand{\UWprefEMail}{e-mail: }

% Option: the font used is DejaVu

% Option: the font used is Arimo

% Default option: the font used is Droid

% The standard colours are translated into grayscale, for better printing
% quality on mono printers.

% The option `autopagenr` forces page numbering to be automatic (default):
% * on if and only if the document has more than one page.

% The option `pagenr` forces page numbering to be on.

% The option `nopagenr` forces page numbering to be off.

% Options 10pt, 11pt, and 12pt control the size of the main body text
% and are passed to the class 'letter'. The default is 12pt.




% Including the remaining packages, initial setup

% The default font encoding is T1, it should not be modified

% When the chosen language is Polish.
% Include package providing Polish dates etc.

% When the chosen font is Arimo.
% The font for the whole document is Arimo, as defined in
% Identification Codebook.

% When the chosen font is DejaVu.
% The font for the whole document is DejaVu.

% When the chosen font is Droid.
% The font for the whole document is Droid.


% This is the default geometry. You can change it freely, the constrains
% of the layout would remain satisfied. However, you should stick to the
% following constrains:
% * left > ~55mm makes the faculty, institute, and person move right
% * top > ~45mm makes the faculty, institute, and person move down 
% * bottom < ~25 makes the footnote overlap with the text (depends on the
%   actual height of the footnote, which is variable)
% To prevent the header from floating around, we stick to \raggedbottom
% vertical page layout. It means that the paragraphs are not spread along
% the page and empty vertical space may be left at the bottom of the page.

% Remaining packages used by this class:


% The footnotes are achieved using fancyhdr package

% The pagestyle that produces the expected footnotes is 'plain'

% You should not modify the pagestyle (at least now).

% This parameter controls linespacing in the body of the document. Changing it
% does not influence the constrains of the layout.
% Example values:
% * 1.0 means single spacing
% * 1.3 corresponds roughly to the one-and-half spacing of standard text
%   processors

% The actual macros that produce headers and footers - positioning

% Standard shift of lines between the faculty, institute, and person.
% Equals the linespread overhead (1.3) times 12pt

% Total left margin of the document according to the current layout.

% Total top margin of the document according to the current layout.

% The actual macros that produce headers and footers - elements

% Shows page number according to the layout defined in Identifiaction Codebook
	\node[anchor=south east, xshift=-10mm, yshift=10mm]
			at (current page.south east)

% A macro producing the whole footer of a page.
% The footer is a tikz picture positioned as an overlay, relatively
% to the dimensions of the current page.
	inner sep=0pt, 
	outer sep=0pt, 
	remember picture,
% The footer has linespread of 1.0.
% The whole footText located approximately at the center, according
% to Identification Codebook layout.
\node[anchor=south west, xshift=56mm, yshift=10mm]
	at (current page.south west)
% If \UWshowPages is empty (i.e. autopagenr option applies) then
% page numbers are shown if and only if the document has more than
% one page then.
% Otherwise, if \UWshowPages is non-empty (i.e. pagenr or nopagenr
% options apply) then the value of \UWshowPages dictates whether
% to show page numbers or not.
% A macro producing the whole header of a page.
% The header consists of two parts generated separately. The first one is a
% tikz picture positioned as an overlay, relatively to the dimensions of
% the current page, in the upper-left corner. This picture contains the logo,
% i.e. the eagle and the text University of Warsaw. Additionally, in this part
% of the macro we present the overlapping picture if defined.
	inner sep=0pt,
	outer sep=0pt,
	remember picture,
% If the overlap picture has been defined then it is shown in
% the following node.
  	\node[anchor=north west,minimum width=\paperwidth]
	  	at (current page.north west)

% We show the UW logo with the eagle and University of Warsaw text.
\node[anchor=north west, xshift=20mm, yshift=-15mm, align=left]
  	at (current page.north west)
	{\includegraphics[height=35mm, keepaspectratio]{\UWlogo}};

% We show a vertical bar between the logos of UW and of MIM UW.
\coordinate[xshift=115.1mm, yshift=-27mm] (UWsplU) at (current page.north west);
\coordinate[xshift=115.1mm, yshift=-39.7mm] (UWsplD) at (current page.north west);
\path[draw=UWdGray, line cap=round, line width=0.9pt] (UWsplU) -- (UWsplD);

% We show the MIM UW logo with five letters UW / MIM.
\node[anchor=north east, xshift=176.1mm, yshift=-10.4mm, align=left]
  	at (current page.north west)
	{\includegraphics[height=43.8mm, keepaspectratio]{\MIMlogo}};
% The second part is positioned inside the text so that the higher the header
% is, the more it moves the rest of the body text down. This part consists of
% the lines with the faculty, institute, and/or person.
	inner sep=0pt, 
	outer sep=0pt, 
	minimum size=0pt,
	minimum width=0pt,
	minimum height=0pt,
	anchor=base west]
% The header has linespread of 1.3 (i.e. 1.5 of standard text processors).
% This node ensures that the upper-left corner of the picture is at the
% upper-left corner of the text area where the macro is invoked.
\node at (0,0) {};

% This node ensures that if there are no unit names given then the spacing
% below the header is still appropriate.
\node at (\UWleftMargin+56mm,\UWtopMargin-50mm)	{};  
% The coordinate curr will indicate the expected position of the next line.
% It is calculaded in such a way to guarantee fixed position of
% the coordinate, no mater what are the actual margins of the page.
% 56mm is the expected xshift of the west anchor of our lines
% 50mm is the expected yshift of the first line
% Since each line can occur or not, we start \UWptshift above
% the expected place, and each produced line will move curr down.
\coordinate (curr)
	at (\UWleftMargin+56mm,\UWtopMargin-53mm+\UWptshift);
% If \UWfaculty is given, produce a node with the respective layout,
% and position (curr) below it (preserving the expected spacing).
	\node[text=UWlBlue] (curr)
		at ($(curr.base west)+(0,-\UWptshift)$)
% If \UWinstitute is given, produce a node with the respective layout,
% and position curr below it (preserving the expected spacing).
	\node[text=UWlBlue] (curr)
		at ($(curr.base west)+(0,-\UWptshift)$)
% If \UWfunction is given, produce a node with the respective layout,
% and position curr below it (preserving the expected spacing).
	\node[text=UWdGray] (curr)
		at ($(curr.base west)+(0,-\UWptshift)$)
% If \UWperson is given, produce a node with the respective layout,
% and position curr below it (preserving the expected spacing).
	\node[text=UWdGray] (curr)
		at ($(curr.base west)+(0,-\UWptshift)$)

% Finally we put two \vspaces, the first one removes the standard space
% below tikzpicture that is put there by Latex, the second one
% adds space defined by \UWheadsep.

% Additional macros for the standard elements of the document

% Produces a date line.
	\hfill {#1}

% Produces an addressee section above the text that is aligned left
% but shifted right. The first (optional) argument defines the left space
% before the content of the paragraph.

% Produces a signature under the text that is aligned left but shifted right.
% The first (optional) argument defines the left space
% before the content of the paragraph.




% Available class options (put in the square brackets above):
% * `polski` - set the language to Polish, influences the logo and prefixes
% * `english` - set the language to English, influences the logo and prefixes

% * `arimo` - set the default font to Arimo
% * `droid` - set the default font to Droid
% * `dejavu` - set the default font to DejaVu

% * `grayscale` - transform colours to grayscale, for printing

% * `autopagenr` - automatically decide whether to put numbers of pages
% * `pagenr` - always put numbers of pages
% * `nopagenr` - never put numbers of pages

% * `10pt` use 10pt font for the main body
% * `11pt` use 11pt font for the main body
% * `12pt` use 12pt font for the main body

% The defaults are: polski, droid, autopagenr, 12pt.


% If you use non-standard symbols (i.e. Polish diacretic letters), you should
% define input encoding using an option like the following ones.

% Use for utf8 encoded files

% Use for Windows cp1250 encoded files

% Use for Latin 2 encoded files

% However, the attached arimo font does not contain all the Polish characters
% and therefore it is better to use the default droid font.


% Control the space between the header and the body text. Identification
% Codebook does not specify that. The command is optional.

\renewcommand{\UWheadsep}{10mm} % - 10mm by default


% Control the margins of the body text. Identification
% Codebook does not specify that. Top margin influences the pages that do
% not start with the UW header. The command is optional. See
% UWletterhead.cls for a discussion on reasonable margin sizes. The values
% below are the default ones.

% Modifying these values (within reasonable ranges, as defined in
% UWletterhead.cls) does not move the elements of the layout that are
% positioned accordingly to Identification Codebook.

% The current default sets the left margin in the vertical line passing
% through the middle of the logo (eagle). Another reasonable possibility
% is to set the left margin to 56mm, in that case the left margin of the
% body text is aligned to the faculty, institute, etc names.



% Control the standard parts of the text (all of these commands are optional).

% There is an automatic system that shows only lines for non-empty values.
% To make it work correctly, if we want the given field to be empty, we should
% define it as an empty string, i.e. \renewcommand{\UWfaculty}{}
% A convoluted definition like:
% \newcommand{\myEmptyString}{}
% \renewcommand{\UWfaculty}{\myEmptyString}
% will not work.
% The same applies to the values \UWaddress, \UWphone, and \UWemail.

%\renewcommand{\UWfaculty}{} % - filled to MIM automatically
\renewcommand{\UWinstitute}{Instytut Informatyki} % - empty by default
%\renewcommand{\UWfunction}{} % - empty by default
%\renewcommand{\UWperson}{} % - empty by default


% Control the address line prefixes (all of these commands are optional):

%\renewcommand{\UWprefAddress}{} % - empty by default
\renewcommand{\UWprefPhone}{telefon: } % - empty by default
%\renewcommand{\UWprefEMail}{e-mail: } % - filled by default


% Control the address line values (all of these commands are optional):

%\renewcommand{\UWaddress}{ul. Banacha~2, 02-097 Warszawa, Polska}
	% - filled by default
\renewcommand{\UWphone}{+48 22 55 44 460} % - empty by default
\renewcommand{\UWemail}{} % - empty by default


% If you really need, you can overwrite the whole footer address text.
% In that case all the above values \UWaddress, \UWprefAddress, etc
% have no effect. The default \UWfootText takes care of empty values
% and lets the phone and the email be hyperlinks. Thus, in most cases
% do not use this command.



% Begin the body of the document.

% Start with \UWheader to put the header at the beginning of the first page.


% Use \UWdate to put the date line.

\UWdate{Warszawa, 15 kwietnia 2017}

% Use \UWaddressee to put the addressee part of the text. The first
% optional argument controls the horizontal space to the left of the
% addressee paragraph.
\UWaddressee[7.5cm]{Sz. P. Anna Kowalska\\
Kierownik Katedry\\
Znaczna Persona}

% Put your body text here.
Szanowna Pani Profesor,


% Identification Codebook defines that we can use the specific font (Arimo)
% in the regular or bold variant.

Nie jest dla mnie jasne co oznacza \textbf{Definicja 27} z pracy domowej.

% On the other hand, Identification Codebook does not define italic variant
% of the font. Thus, the following command, if used with arimo package option,
% leads to a warning:

%\textit{Zadanie 24} jest raczej czytelne.


% It is allowed to use math mode in the documents, however the fonts used for
% math are the standard LaTeX ones (do not comply with the choice done
% in the package).

Interesuje mnie wynik obliczenia $\sin\big(\frac{\pi}{7}\big)$?


% You can use the macro \UWsignature to put a standarised signature.
% The first (optional) argument of the macro controls the horizontal
% space to the left of the signature.
% The command (standard for Latex) \\[10mm] puts a vertical space
% of a given height.

\UWsignature[7.5cm]{Z wyrazami szacunku,\\[10mm]Micha{\l} Skrzypczak}


% Usually, the header is only on the first page. If you want to put the header
% more times in your file, you can force a new page by \newpage
% and put there \UWheader as well.
% If you want to create multiple separate documents by one file, the class
% option `nopagenr` (used in line 1 of this file) may be helpful. It removes
% page numbers from all the pages.


Szanowna Pani Magister,


% If you need to use the standarised colours, you can do it. The list of
% available colours is the following (with their RGB values):
% * UWdBlue : {  0,  68, 124}
% * UWlBlue : {  0, 146, 206}
% * UWsBlue : {  0,  23,  69}
% * UWblack : {  0,    0,  0}
% * UWwhite : {255, 255, 255}
% * UWlGray : {177, 179, 182}
% * UWdGray : {128, 130, 133}

% If the option grayscale is used then the colours \UWdBlue, \UWlBlue,
% and \UWsBlue are turned manually into grayscale, as follows:
% * UWdBlue : { 58,  58,  58}
% * UWlBlue : {120, 120, 120}
% * UWsBlue : { 21,  21,  21}

% You can colour your text using \textcolor macro.

\textcolor{UWdBlue}{Nalegam na dotrzymanie terminu!}


\UWsignature{Uszanowania,\\[5mm]Micha{\l} Skrzypczak}




	* Added other fonts than Arimo: DejaVu and Droid
	* Added \UWdate and \UWaddressee macros

	* Changed the default margins of the document body

	* Added documentation for \UWoverlap macro

	* Added \usepackage{polski} for Polish documents
	* Added reset of address etc in units_list.tex

last modification: 10:04 12.02.2020