EAGER in Poland

October 2000 - September 2004

The program of EAGER started in October 2000 and was concluded in September 2004. Here we present the summary of EAGER activities related to Polish node of the network.

The tasks of EAGER have been defined as follows:

Training of young researchers in Algebraic Geometry through fellowships and mobility

The following people have been awarded EAGER fellowships in Poland: Publications related to the researcher's stay in Warsaw:
  • Franziska Bittner, The universal Euler characteristic for varieties of characteristic zero
  • C. Ciliberto, M. Mella, F. Russo, Varieties with one apparent double point
  • Daniele Faenzi, A geometric construction of Tango bundle on P^5
  • L. E. Sola Conde, J. Wisniewski, On manifolds whose tangent bundle is big and 1-ample
  • Jan Wierzba, Birational geometry of symplectic 4-folds
  • J. Wierzba, J. Wisniewski: Small contractions of symplectic 4-folds

    The following Polish young researchers visited other nodes of EAGER:

    Courses and schools for young researchers

    The following schools have been organized in Poland and partialy supported by EAGER:

    Joint scientific projects

    Other publications and preprints related to joint activities

    Financial Report

    All entries in the following table are in Polish currency PLN.

    Expences\Year 2000/2001 2001/2002 2002/2003 2003/2004
    Incoming Young Researchers 26127,76 25682,04 38088,91 8799,88
    Networking 20340,68 37356,39 35941,75 18522,40
    Overheads 5163,16 7004,27 8225,62 3035,81
    Total 51631,60 70042,70 82256,28 28934,53

    Polish EAGER Homepage