24rd Autumn School in Algebraic Geometry

Moduli of vector bundles and group action

Wykno (Poland), September 9 - 16, 2001

Teachers: Giorgio Ottaviani (Firenze, Italy) and Jean Valles (Versailles - Saint Quentin en Yvelines, France).


Prerequisites: basic knowledge of algebraic geometry (Hartshorne or Griffiths-Harris book), in particular sheaf cohomology. Previous knowledge of vector bundles and their Chern classes will be useful.

Book references:

The school took place in a pension Gawra located on a lake in woods near village Wykno, about 150 km North from Warsaw.

The school was financially supported by Institute of Mathematics of Warsaw University, as well as by Polish State Committee for Scientific Research and EAGER (European Algebraic Geometry Research Training Network, EC contract HPRN-CT-200-00099).

  • September Schools Homepage
  • Polish Eager Homepage