module Nominal.Contextual where

import Data.Map (Map, assocs, fromList)
import Data.Set (Set, map)
import Nominal.Formula
import Nominal.Formula.Operators
import Nominal.Variable (Variable)
import Prelude hiding (map, not)

-- Contextual

-- | Class of types of expressions to evaluating with a given context.
class Contextual a where
    -- | Evaluates an expression in the context of a given formula.
    when :: Formula -> a -> a
    when = const id

-- | Evaluates an expression in the context of a 'true' formula. In practice all formulas in expressions are solved.
-- > simplify = when true
simplify :: Contextual a => a -> a
simplify = when true

-- Instances

instance Contextual b => Contextual (a -> b) where
    when ctx f = \x -> when ctx (f x)

instance Contextual Variable

instance Contextual Formula where
    when ctx f
        | isTrue ctx = simplifyFormula f
        | isTrue (ctx ==> f) = true
        | isTrue (ctx ==> not f) = false
        | otherwise = simplifyFormula $ mapFormula (when ctx) f

instance Contextual Bool

instance Contextual Char

instance Contextual Double

instance Contextual Float

instance Contextual Int

instance Contextual Integer

instance Contextual Ordering

instance Contextual a => Contextual [a] where
    when ctx = fmap (when ctx)

instance Contextual ()

instance (Contextual a, Contextual b) => Contextual (a,b) where
    when ctx (a,b) = (when ctx a, when ctx b)

instance (Contextual a, Contextual b, Contextual c) => Contextual (a,b,c) where
    when ctx (a,b,c) = (when ctx a, when ctx b, when ctx c)

instance (Contextual a, Contextual b, Contextual c, Contextual d) => Contextual (a,b,c,d) where
    when ctx (a,b,c,d) = (when ctx a, when ctx b, when ctx c, when ctx d)

instance (Contextual a, Contextual b, Contextual c, Contextual d, Contextual e) => Contextual (a,b,c,d,e) where
    when ctx (a,b,c,d,e) = (when ctx a, when ctx b, when ctx c, when ctx d, when ctx e)

instance (Contextual a, Contextual b, Contextual c, Contextual d, Contextual e, Contextual f) => Contextual (a,b,c,d,e,f) where
    when ctx (a,b,c,d,e,f) = (when ctx a, when ctx b, when ctx c, when ctx d, when ctx e, when ctx f)

instance (Contextual a, Contextual b, Contextual c, Contextual d, Contextual e, Contextual f, Contextual g) => Contextual (a,b,c,d,e,f,g) where
    when ctx (a,b,c,d,e,f,g) = (when ctx a, when ctx b, when ctx c, when ctx d, when ctx e, when ctx f, when ctx g)

instance (Contextual a, Contextual b, Contextual c, Contextual d, Contextual e, Contextual f, Contextual g, Contextual h) => Contextual (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) where
    when ctx (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) = (when ctx a, when ctx b, when ctx c, when ctx d, when ctx e, when ctx f, when ctx g, when ctx h)

instance Contextual a => Contextual (Maybe a) where
    when ctx = fmap (when ctx)

instance (Contextual a, Contextual b) => Contextual (Either a b) where
    when ctx (Left v) = Left $ when ctx v
    when ctx (Right v) = Right $ when ctx v

instance (Contextual a, Ord a) => Contextual (Set a) where
    when ctx = map (when ctx)

instance (Contextual k, Contextual v, Ord k, Ord v) => Contextual (Map k v) where
    when ctx = fromList . when ctx . assocs