Task: Calculate the number of words starting with any letter. Preparation: you will need some text file for it. Download it from project Gutenberg https://www.gutenberg.org/files/1228/1228-0.txt 1) the input file name is provided by the user from the prompt (stdin) 2) the frequencies are calculated by independent function 3) the frequencies are printed out on the screen and additionally stored in some file (the file name can be fixed, but must be printed out on the stdout) Sample output: Enter the file name: /tmp/1228-0.txt a 16765 10.68% b 7918 5.04% c 7523 4.79% d 4807 3.06% e 4089 2.60% f 6660 4.24% g 2775 1.77% h 5095 3.25% i 10517 6.70% j 131 0.08% k 403 0.26% l 3208 2.04% m 5316 3.39% n 3623 2.31% o 14877 9.48% p 5183 3.30% q 257 0.16% r 3020 1.92% s 11560 7.36% t 22915 14.60% u 1392 0.89% v 1959 1.25% w 7551 4.81% x 2 0.00% y 478 0.30% z 36 0.02% A 809 0.52% B 466 0.30% C 387 0.25% D 204 0.13% E 300 0.19% F 295 0.19% G 332 0.21% H 359 0.23% I 1653 1.05% J 40 0.03% K 36 0.02% L 209 0.13% M 417 0.27% N 365 0.23% O 359 0.23% P 308 0.20% Q 2 0.00% R 133 0.08% S 610 0.39% T 867 0.55% U 98 0.06% V 76 0.05% W 511 0.33% X 5 0.00% Y 52 0.03% Z 32 0.02% Total: 156985 words in the input file. Word frequencies are saved in '/tmp/word_frequency.txt'. ==================================== You are allowed to use: - https://www.tutorialspoint.com/cprogramming & https://www.w3schools.com/c/ (for any C programming syntax) You are NOT allowed to use: - https://stackoverflow.com - any other resources with C-specific solution of the task Time: ~8:30-10:05 am. (answers sent later will not be assessed i.e. 0 points) The files should be send to lukaskoz@mimuw.edu.pl Tan email with the subject "NameSurname WI 2023 EXTRA" (e.g. "LukaszKozlowski WI 2023 EXTRA", without polish letters) The attachment: NameSurnameLabs_extra.tar.gz (the c file, the input and output file) Hint: tar -pczf NameSurnameLabs_extra.tar.gz NameSurnameLabs_extra ====================================== The grading system: 1) reading from the file: 0-2 2) frequencies of the words: 0-5 (e.g. case sensitive or simpler case nonsensitive) 4) writing to the file: 0-2 5) structure of the code: 0-1 Max grade: 10 points ======================================