Lecture 10: Hard Problems

When solving an algorithmic question, we often run into the following natural question: is our algorithm optimal? We present known results of this kind, and some examples of problems which are known to be hard.

We have already seen some results of this kind: While these results were relatively simple, in general, it turns out to be very difficult to show that something is hard. Still, there is a large class of problems (called NP-complete problems) for which, even if we have no proof, we have good evidence that they cannot be solved efficiently.

A bit of formalism

We will need a bit more formalism to clearly present the ideas in this lecture. We have defined computational problems in the first lectures somewhat intuitively; we will define decision problems a bit more formally.

Let $\Sigma$ be a finite set called an alphabet, and $\Sigma^*$ be the set of finite sequences of symbols from $\Sigma$. Think of files in a computer -- all files in a computer are sequences of bytes, so $\Sigma$ is the set of possible values of a byte (0..255) and $\Sigma^*$ is a set of possible files. Alternatively, our files could be already loaded into memory, and then $\Sigma^*$ would represent the sequences of bytes in our RAM. In theoretical compute science we abstract from such low-level technical details, so $\Sigma$ could be any alphabet, not necessarily the set of bytes.

We will consider decision problems: our algorithm takes an element of $\Sigma^*$ (e.g., it reads a file), and decides whether an answer to some problem is YES or NO. Thus, a decision problem can be modeled as a subset of $\Sigma^*$ (the set of input files for which our algorithm should answer YES).

For example, consider the problem of reachability in a graph (in the given graph $G$, can we reach vertex 2 from vertex 1?). We choose some format of representing a graph in a file (e.g. a list of all edges: "1,5;1,4;4,3;3,2"). Then, REACHABILITY is the set of encodings of graphs where 2 is reachable from 1.

What is the purpose of this formalization?

Time Hierarchy Theorem

The Time Hierarchy Theorem says: if $f$, $g$ are functions that are time constructible and $g$ is significantly greater than $f$, then there exists a decision problem $L \subseteq Sigma^*$ which can be solved in $O(g)$ but not in $O(f)$. A function $f$ is time constructible iff there exists an algorithm which runs in time $f(n)$ on input of size $n$. We do not provide the precise meaning of "significantly greater", as the formulas are a bit sophisticated and may depend on the used model of computation (e.g. in Wikipedia this theorem is stated for Turing machines, not for Random Access Machines). We will just give some corollaries:

However, that's basically all we know!

We do not know any specific, satisfying example of a computational problem which can be solved in polynomial time, but cannot be solved in linear time (and we have a proof of that)! While we have (*), the decision problem from the Time Hierarchy Theorem is not really satisfying -- it is rather one specifically constructed as a problem which can be solved in $O(g)$ but not in $O(f)$, not something we would care about otherwise.

One might wonder about the theorem that sorting requires time $\Omega(n \log n)$ -- yes, but only when we restrict ourselves to algorithms based on permutations. If we can do more, we only know that sorting requires time $\Omega(n)$! (Also, sorting is not a decision problem, but this is not really relevant here.)

Complexity class P

P (or PTIME) is the set ("complexity class") of all decision problems which can be solved in time polynomial in the length of its input.

For example, the Reachability problem mentioned above can be solved in polynomial time (BFS runs in linear time). The class P is usually considered by complexity theorists to contain problems which humans can actually solve in practice. From practical reasons, this assumption may be considered a bit doubtful. It is clear that, for input of size $n=1000$, running time $O(n^3)$ is feasible, while $O(2^n)$ is not. What about $O(n^{20})$ (allowed by P) versus $O(1.001^n)$ (not allowed by P)? What about quantum computers (which potentially could solve in polynomial time problems which our RAMs cannot)? What about randomized algorithms (not allowed by P, but there exist algorithms which yield the correct answer with probability $1-(1/2)^100$, which is good enough for all practical uses)? However, despite these shortcomings, the simplicity of the definition of PTIME yields a very elegant theory.

Problems believed to not be in P

Here we present some problems which are believed to not be in P:


For any of the problems above, we do not know whether it really cannot be solved in P. At the first glance, it may appear that these open problems are independent -- maybe in fact we could solve, say, SAT quickly, but not TSP. However, this is not really the case.

Suppose we could solve the Travelling Salesman Problem in polynomial time. Then we could also solve the Hamiltonian Circuit Problem in polynomial time. Why? Well, the algorithm works as follows. We are given a graph $G$ with $n$ vertices. Suppose that each edge has travelling cost of $1\$$. Can we visit all the vertices in cost $n\$$? If yes, then the way we do this must be a Hamiltonian circuit; if not, then no Hamiltonian circuit exists. So, by solving the Travelling Salesman Problem in polynomial time, we have also solved the Hamiltonian Circuit problem in polynomial time!

This process is a common approach in mathematics/computer science/data science -- when we approach a new problem, we try to reduce it to a problem we already know how to solve (there are even some jokes about that). Here, we are using a specific kind of reduction.

A polynomial time many-one reduction from problem $L_1$ to problem $L_2$ is a function $f: \Sigma^* \rightarrow \Sigma^*$, computable in polynomial time, such that $w \in L_1$ iff $f(w) \in L_2$ (i.e., for every input $w$, the expected answer for input $w$ in problem $L_1$ is YES iff the expected answer for input $f(w)$ in problem $L_2$ is YES). We say that $L_1$ is reducible to $L_2$ (notation: $L_1 \leq L_2$) if such a reduction exists. Above, we have shown that the Hamiltonian Circuit problem can be reduced to TSP: the reduction $f$ transforms the graph given on the input simply by adding weight 1 to every edge. In general, reductions can be more sophisticated, but they still have to run in polynomial time. Note that if $L_1 \leq L_2$ and $L_2$ can be solved in polynomial time, then so can $L_1$.

We can also reduce: Note that if $L_1 \leq L_2$ and $L_2 \leq L_3$, then $L_1 \leq L_3$. Therefore, any of the problems above can be reduced not only to SAT, but also to Minesweeper or to Knapsack problem. If we manage to solve any of these problems (SAT, TSP, Knapsack, Minesweeper, Hamiltonian Circuit) in polynomial time, then we know that all of them can be solved in polynomial time!

Complexity Class NP

All the decision problems above can be formulated in the following form: for the given input $x$, does there exist a "solution" $y$? While we do not know any fast algorithm to tell us whether a solution exists, in each case we can easily tell whether a solution is correct. The complexity class NP is the set of decision problems which can be formulated in the following form: for the given input $x$, does there exist a witness $y$, such that $P(x,y)$, where $P$ is a property that can be checked in polynomial time? Note: the name NP may suggest to some people that it means "Non-Polynomial". In fact, it does not mean "Non-Polynomial", but "Non-Deterministic Polynomial": if we "non-deterministically" guess the answer, its correctness can be checked in polynomial time. (The relation of this to philosophical "non-determinism" is historical.)


A decision problem $L$ is NP-hard iff any NP problem can be reduced to $L$. This means that such problems are "harder than", or at least "as hard as", the whole class NP.

A decision problem is NP-complete iff it is NP-hard and it is in NP itself. Therefore, the NP-complete problems are the problems which are the hardest in the class NP.

We said above that every of the problems mentioned above can be reduced to SAT. In fact, it can be shown that every NP problem can be reduced to the SAT; thus, SAT is NP-complete. Since SAT can be reduced, e.g., to the Minesweeper problem, and Minesweeper is also in NP, the Minesweeper problem is NP-complete too.

Thus, if one manages to solve any NP-complete problem (e.g., Minesweeper) in polynomial time, this means that any problem in NP can be solved in polynomial time, and thus, P=NP. If P does not equal NP, then NP-complete problems cannot be solved in polynomial time. The factorization problem is an example of a problem which is in NP, but is not known to be NP-complete; thus, while we do not know a polynomial algorithm for this problem yet, it is possible that we can factorize numbers in polynomial time, but Minesweeper cannot be solved in polynomial time. The P ?= NP problem is the most important open problem in computer science (with a million dollar prize for solving it, although due to its practical importance in algorithmics and cryptography, it may be actually worth way more than 1000000$).


This picture shows the relations between complexity classes and problems. The intuition here is that, the higher the problem is in the picture, the harder it is.