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Konferencja: International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
Liczba publikacji: 172024
- Wojciech Czerwiński , Challenges of the Reachability Problem in Infinite-State Systems (Invited Paper), International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Bratislava, Slovakia, 26 sierpnia 2024 - 30 sierpnia 2024. Zobacz w PBN
- Jan Goedgebeur, Jorik Jooken, Karolina Okrasa, Paweł Rzążewski , Oliver Schaudt, Minimal Obstructions to C₅-Coloring in Hereditary Graph Classes, International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Bratislava, Slovakia, 26 sierpnia 2024 - 30 sierpnia 2024, 306 2024, s. 55: 1-15. Zobacz w PBN
- Michaël Cadilhac, Arka Ghosh , Guillermo A. Pérez, Ritam Raha, Parikh One-Counter Automata, 48TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MATHEMATICAL FOUNDATIONS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE, Bordoux, France, 28 sierpnia 2023 - 1 września 2023. Zobacz w PBN
- Shaull Almagor, Arka Ghosh , Tim Leys, Guillermo A. Pérez, The Geometry of Reachability in Continuous Vector Addition Systems with States, 48TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MATHEMATICAL FOUNDATIONS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE, Bordoux, France, 28 sierpnia 2023 - 1 września 2023. Zobacz w PBN
- Giacomo Paesani, Daniël Paulusma, Paweł Rzążewski , Feedback Vertex Set and Even Cycle Transversal for H-Free Graphs: Finding Large Block Graphs, 46th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, tallin, Estonia, 22 sierpnia 2021 - 26 sierpnia 2021. Zobacz w PBN
- Damian Niwiński , Michał Skrzypczak , On Guidable Index of Tree Automata, 46th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Tallinn, Estonia, 23 sierpnia 2021 - 27 sierpnia 2021, 202 2021, s. 81:1--81:14. Zobacz w PBN
- Bart M.P. Jansen, Shivesh K. Roy, Michał Włodarczyk , On the Hardness of Compressing Weights, 46th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Tallinn, Estonia, 23 sierpnia 2021 - 27 sierpnia 2021. Zobacz w PBN
- Vincent Michielini , Michał Skrzypczak , Regular Choice Functions and Uniformisations For countable Domains, 45th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Prague, Czechia, 24 sierpnia 2020 - 28 sierpnia 2020, 170 2020, s. 69:1--69:13. Zobacz w PBN
- Janusz Schmude, Mikołaj Bojańczyk , Some Remarks on Deciding Equivalence for Graph-To-Graph Transducers, 45th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Prague, Czechia, 24 sierpnia 2020 - 28 sierpnia 2020, 170 2020, s. 19:1--19:14. Zobacz w PBN
- Jan Kratochvíl, Tomáš Masařík , Jana Masaříková , U-Bubble Model for Mixed Unit Interval Graphs and Its Applications: The MaxCut Problem Revisited, 45th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Prague, Czechia, 24 sierpnia 2020 - 28 sierpnia 2020. Zobacz w PBN
- Adam Paszke, Michał Pilipczuk , VC Density of Set Systems Definable in Tree-Like Graphs, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, LIPIcs, 45th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Prague, Czechia, 24 sierpnia 2020 - 28 sierpnia 2020, 170 2020, s. 78:1--78:13. Zobacz w PBN
- Wojciech Czerwiński , Sławomir Lasota , Löding, Christof, Radosław Piórkowski, New Pumping Technique for 2-Dimensional VASS, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, 44th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, MFCS 2019, Aachen, Germany, 26 sierpnia 2019 - 30 sierpnia 2019, 138 2019, s. 62:1--62:14. Zobacz w PBN
- Dušan Knop, Tomáš Masařík , Tomáš Toufar, Parameterized Complexity of Fair Vertex Evaluation Problems, 44th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, MFCS 2019, Aachen, Germany, 26 sierpnia 2019 - 30 sierpnia 2019. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Parys , Parity Games: Zielonka's Algorithm in Quasi-Polynomial Time, 44th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, MFCS 2019, Aachen, Germany, 26 sierpnia 2019 - 30 sierpnia 2019. Zobacz w PBN
- Nathan Lhote, Vincent Michielini , Michał Skrzypczak , Uniformisation Gives the Full Strength of Regular Languages, 44th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, MFCS 2019, Aachen, Germany, 26 sierpnia 2019 - 30 sierpnia 2019, 138 2019, s. 61:1--61:13. Zobacz w PBN
- Filippo Cavallari, Henryk Michalewski , Michał Skrzypczak , A Characterisation of Pi^0_2 Regular Tree Languages, 42nd International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Aalborg, Denmark, 21 sierpnia 2017 - 25 sierpnia 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Michał Pilipczuk , Andreas Wiese, Erik Jan van Leeuwen, Approximation and Parameterized Algorithms for Geometric Independent Set with Shrinking, 42nd International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Aalborg, Denmark, 21 sierpnia 2017 - 25 sierpnia 2017. Zobacz w PBN