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Czasopismo: Logical Methods in Computer Science
Liczba publikacji: 382022
- Karoliina Lehtinen, Paweł Parys , Sven Schewe, Dominik Wojtczak, A Recursive Approach to Solving Parity Games in Quasipolynomial Time, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 18 (1) 2022, s. 8:1-8:18. Zobacz w PBN
- Lorenzo Clemente , Sławomir Lasota , Radosław Piórkowski, Determinisability of register and timed automata, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 18 (2) 2022, s. 9:1–9:37. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Hofman , Jakub Różycki, Linear equations for unordered data vectors in $[D]^k\to{}Z^d$, Logical Methods in Computer Science, Volume 18, Issue 4 2022. Zobacz w PBN
- Mikołaj Bojańczyk , Michał Pilipczuk , Optimizing tree decompositions in MSO, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 18 (1) 2022. Zobacz w PBN
- Szymon Toruńczyk , Thomas Zeume, Register Automata with Extrema Constraints, and an Application to Two-Variable Logic, Logical Methods in Computer Science, Volume 18, Issue 1 2022. Zobacz w PBN
- Mikołaj Bojańczyk , Martin Grohe, Michał Pilipczuk , Definable decompositions for graphs of bounded linear cliquewidth, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 17 (1) 2021, s. 1-40. Zobacz w PBN
- Uli Fahrenberg, Christian Johansen, Christopher Trotter, Krzysztof Ziemiański , Sculptures in concurrency, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 17 (2) 2021, s. 5:1-5:32. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Parys , On the Expressive Power of Higher-Order Pushdown Systems, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 16 (3) 2020. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Parys , Recursion Schemes, the MSO Logic, and the U quantifier, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 16 (1) 2020. Zobacz w PBN
- Mikołaj Bojańczyk , Laure Daviaud, Sreejith Ajithkumar Vijayalekshmi, Vincent Penelle, Bruno Guillon, Undecidability of a weak version of MSO+U, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 16 (1) 2020. Zobacz w PBN
- Mikołaj Bojańczyk , Bartosz Klin , A non-regular language of infinite trees that is recognized by a sort-wise finite Algebra, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 14 (4) 2019, s. 11:1–11:13. Zobacz w PBN
- Khadijeh Keshvardoost, Bartosz Klin , Sławomir Lasota , Joanna Ochremiak, Szymon Toruńczyk , Definable isomorphism problem, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 15 (4) 2019, s. 14:1–14:19. Zobacz w PBN
- Lorenzo Clemente , Richard Mayr, Efficient reduction of nondeterministic automata with application to language inclusion testing, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 15 (1) 2019, s. 12:1–12:73. Zobacz w PBN
- Anuj Dawar, Eryk Kopczyński , Logical properties of random graphs from small addable classes, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 15 (3) 2019, s. 4:1–4:12. Zobacz w PBN
- Wojciech Czerwiński , Sławomir Lasota , Regular Separability of One Counter Automata, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 15 (2) 2019, s. 20:1–20:27. Zobacz w PBN
- Mikołaj Bojańczyk , Filippo Cavallari, Thomas Place, Michał Skrzypczak , Regular tree languages in low levels of the Wadge Hierarchy, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 15 (3) 2019, s. 27:1–27:61. Zobacz w PBN
- Dmitry Chistikov, Wojciech Czerwiński , Piotr Hofman , Michał Pilipczuk , Michael Wehar, Shortest paths in one-counter systems, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 15 (1) 2019, s. 19:1–19:28. Zobacz w PBN
- Dusan Knop, Martin Koutecky, Tomáš Masařík , Tomas Toufar, Simplified Algorithmic Metatheorems Beyond MSO: Treewidth and Neighborhood Diversity, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 15 (4) 2019, s. 12:1-12:32. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Kołodziejczyk , Henryk Michalewski , Pierre Pradic, Michał Skrzypczak , The logical strength of Büchi's decidability theorem, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 15 (2) 2019, s. 16:1-16:31. Zobacz w PBN
- Eryk Kopczyński , Tony Tan, A note on first-order spectra with binary relations, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 14 (2) 2018, s. 1-15. Zobacz w PBN
- Matteo Mio, Michał Skrzypczak , Henryk Michalewski , Monadic Second Order Logic with Measure and Category Quantifiers, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 14 (2) 2018, s. 2:1-2:29. Zobacz w PBN
- Anuj Dawar, Eryk Kopczyński , Bounded degree and planar spectra, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 13 (4) 2017, s. 1-21. Zobacz w PBN
- Aleksy Schubert , Paweł Urzyczyn , Konrad Zdanowski, On the Mints Hierarchy in First-Order Intuitionistic Logic, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 12 (4) 2017, s. 1-25. Zobacz w PBN
- Sławomir Lasota , Richard Mayr, Patrick Totzke, Piotr Hofman , Simulation Problems Over One-Counter Nets, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Eryk Kopczyński , Complexity of Problems of Commutative Grammars, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- Mikołaj Bojańczyk , Bartosz Klin , Sławomir Lasota , Automata theory in nominal sets, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Michał Skrzypczak , Separation Property for wB- and wS-regular Languages, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 10 (1:8) 2014, s. 1-20. Zobacz w PBN
- Samuel R. Buss, Leszek Kołodziejczyk , Small stone in pool, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Sven Sandberg, Richard Mayr, Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Lorenzo Clemente , Stochastic Parity Games on Lossy Channel Systems, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Anuj Dawar, Erich Graedel, Bjarki Holm, Eryk Kopczyński , Wied Pakusa, Definability of linear equation systems over groups and rings, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Wojciech Czerwiński , Piotr Hofman , Sławomir Lasota , Reachability problem for weak multi-pushdown automata, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Mikołaj Bojańczyk , Sławomir Lasota , An extension of data automata that captures XPath, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Mikołaj Bojańczyk , Luc Segoufin, Howard Straubing, Piecewise testable tree languages, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Parys , Igor Walukiewicz, Weak Alternating Timed Automata, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Mikołaj Bojańczyk , Howard Straubing, Igor Walukiewicz, Wreath Products of Forest Algebras, with Applications to Tree Logics, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Mikołaj Bojańczyk , Luc Segoufin, Tree Languages Defined in First-Order Logic with One Quantifier Alternation, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Mikołaj Bojańczyk , Two-Way Unary Temporal Logic over Trees, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Filip Murlak , The Wadge Hierarchy of Deterministic Tree Languages, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 2008. Zobacz w PBN