Downloading RSES 

At the moment RSES is distributed freely for non-comercial use. Please be aware that by downloading and installing it you accept the terms of use as stated below.

RSES is distributed as a binary package containing the program itself and the examples of scripts. Some additional data tables are also provided. The installation process is straightforward and complies to Windows standards. After downloading the archive run RSES2_inst.exe . there is also a package containing RSES2 with copy of Sun's Java Runtime Environment - RSES2jre_inst.exe. The standard location for RSES files is C:\Program_Files\RSES2 , but you may place it anywhere you like.

NOTE: RSES 2.2 is no longer developed or modified. The latest relase is over ten years old. There may be incompatibilities with newer versions of Java VM and newer operating systems. These problems will not be addressed by the RSES development team. There is no point asking.

Now you can download RSES and accompanying tools 

RSES version 2.2 (edition 2.2.2 updated on June 10, 2005) - most recent one 

Download RSES2_2_inst.exe

RSES version 2.2 for Linux - most recent one 

Download rses_22.tgz

RSES version 2.1  

Download RSES2_1_inst.exe

RSES version 2.1 for LINUX  

Download rses_21.tgz

DIXER - a client-server environment for performing distributed experiments  

Download dixer-2.0.99.exe

DIXER - for JRE version prior to v. 1.5  

Download dixer-2.0.99-pre5.exe

Terms of Use

Rough Set Exploration System is distributed without warranty of any kind.

The use of RSES for research, education, development and private, non-profit purposes is free of charge. Users are kindly asked to provide reference to RSES in the publications describing results of its use.

This software may not be sold, rented, leased or licensed to others without express written consent. Also, this software may not be reverse engineered, decompiled, translated or disassembled in any way. Use of this software for the sake of financial profit is not allowed without prior acceptance.

Copyright © 1994-2003 Logic Group, Institute of Mathematics, Warsaw University, Poland. 

Project manager: Andrzej Skowron. 

GUI front-end designed by (in alphabetical order): Jan Bazan, Nguyen Hung Son, Andrzej Skowron, and Marcin Szczuka.

GUI front-end implemented by: Jan Bazan and Marcin Szczuka.

Help and documentation created by: Marcin Szczuka and Jan Bazan.

Kernel architecture designed and implemented by Jan Bazan.

Computational algorithms implemented by (in alphabetical order): Jan Bazan, Rafał Latkowski, Nguyen Sinh Hoa, Nguyen Hung Son, Piotr Synak, Arkadiusz Wojna, and Jakub Wróblewski.