Warsaw Summer School in Probability

June 1-5, 2015

The school was held from June 1st until June 5th at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics of the University of Warsaw


Each of the following lecturers delivered four 90 minute lectures:

  • Djalil Chafaï (Université Paris-Dauphine)
       Aspects of random matrices and Coulomb gases
  • Roman Kotecký (Charles University and University of Warwick)
      Gradient models
  • Ron Peled (Tel Aviv University)
      Spatial random permutations (Lecture notes)

Additional educational lectures were given by Daniel Ueltschi (University of Warwick) and Anna Maltsev (University of Bristol). A number of short talks were presented by young researchers.


The organizers were Radosław Adamczak and Piotr Miłoś.


The meeting was partially supported by:


We also acknowledge the assistance of the Warsaw Tourism Organization

Warsaw Tourism Organization

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