Zajęcia nr 5


  1. Exercise 10.1.1 Write the function
    def isSafe(col: Int, row: Int, queens: List[Int]): Boolean
  2. Exercise 10.3.1 Define the following function in terms of for.
      def flatten[A](xss: List[List[A]]): List[A] =
        (xss :\ (Nil: List[A])) ((xs, ys) => xs ::: ys)
  3. Exercise 10.3.2 Translate
      for (b <- books; a <- b.authors if a startsWith "Bird") yield b.title
      for (b <- books if (b.title indexOf "Program") >= 0) yield b.title
    to higher-order functions.
  4. Exercise 11.2.1 Write a function repeatLoop, which should be applied as follows:
    repeatLoop { command } ( condition )
    Is there also a way to obtain a loop syntax like the following?
    repeatLoop { command } until ( condition )
  5. Wypróbuj kod z symulacją obwodów scalonych.
  6. Exercise 11.3.2 Another way is to define an or-gate by a combination of inverters and and-gates. Define a function orGate in terms of andGate and inverter. What is the delay time of this function?


  1. def isSafe(col: Int, row: Int, queens: List[Int]): Boolean = {
       def isSafeRightDiagonal(col: Int, queens: List[Int]): Boolean = queens match {
           case List() => true
           case head::q => (!(head == col+1) && isSafeRightDiagonal(col+1, q));
       def isSafeLeftDiagonal(col: Int, queens: List[Int]): Boolean = queens match {
           case List() => true
           case head::q => (!(head == col-1) && isSafeLeftDiagonal(col-1, q));
       if(queens.contains(col)) return false
       return isSafeLeftDiagonal(col, queens) && isSafeRightDiagonal(col,queens);
  2. lub
    def queens(n: Int): List[List[Int]] = {
      def placeQueens(k: Int): List[List[Int]] =
        if (k == 0) List(List())
        else for { queens <- placeQueens(k-1)
                   column <- List.range(1, n+1)
                   if isSafe(column, queens, 1) } yield column :: queens
    def isSafe(col: Int, queens: List[Int], delta: Int):Boolean={
      queens match {
        case List() => true
        case y :: ys => if (col != y && col != y+delta && col != y-delta) isSafe(col,ys,delta+1)
          else false
  3. def flatten[A](xss: List[List[A]]): List[A] = {
      var acc = List();
      return for(xs <-xss; x<-xs; acc<-x::acc) yield acc;
    def main(args: Array[String]) = {
      val diag3 = List(List(1, 0, 0), List(0, 1, 0), List(0, 0, 1))
  4. def flatten[A](xss: List[List[A]]) : List[A]= 
      for { li <- xss 
            el <- li } yield el
  5. def findBird (books: List[Book]) = 
      books.foldLeft (List[String]()) ((aku, el) =>
        if (el.authors.exists(a => a startsWith "Bird")) el.title :: aku
          else aku)
    def findProgram (books: List[Book]) =
      books.foldLeft (List[String]()) ((aku, el) =>
        if ((el.title indexOf "Program") >= 0) el.title :: aku
          else aku)
  6. def repeatLoop ( command: => Unit ) ( condition: =>  Boolean ) : Unit = {
      if (condition)
        repeatLoop (command) (condition)
    def until (condition: => Boolean) = condition
    var x = 5
    repeatLoop { println(x); x = x-1 } ( x > 0 )
    repeatLoop { println(x); x = x+1 } (until ( x < 5 ))