Workshop on Information-based Complexity

Foundations of Computational Mathematics

Universidad de Cantabria in Santander, Spain, 30 June - 2 July 2005

This is one of the 20 workshops during the conference FoCM'05 at the Universidad de Cantabria, 30 June - 9 July 2005.

Information-based complexity (IBC) is concerned with the complexity and algorithms for continuous problems where information is incomplete, contaminated and priced. Important examples are high dimensional integration, differential equations and numerical optimization. Problems can be studied in the worst case, average case or randomised settings. The focus is on questions such as: What is the least possible cost (e.g., in terms of the number of function evaluations) to obtain approximation with given error? How does the cost change with dimensionality? What algorithms achieve the minimum cost?

Speakers will be presenting the latest research in the area, which is one that lies at the heart of the foundations of computational mathematics.

The FoCM'05 plenary speaker associated with this seminar is Ian Sloan (Sydney).

Workshop organisers





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