Stefam Jackowski: Homotopy limits in topology and geometry Abstract: Homotopy colimits of diagrams in variuos categories, a "thick" and homotopy invariant version of direct limit, turned out to be an extremly useful tool in homotopy theory. Cohomology of a space decomposed into a homotopy colimit of a diagram can be calculated using the Bousfield-Kan spectral sequence, whose E_2-term can be expressed in terms of derived functors of the inverse limit over the indexing category of the diagram. The classical obstruction theory for extending maps on subsequent skeleta of CW-complexes generalizes to spaces decomposed into homotopy colimits - obstructions are again elements of the derived functors. Following work of D.Notbohm, T.Panov, N.Ray and R.Vogt, I'll describe how homotopy colimits provide a unifying thread for results on classifying spaces of compact Lie groups, toric manifolds and their homotopy orbit spaces.