
The Internet of Things is a vision in which miniature low-power wireless devices are embedded into surrounding physical objects—things—to make these objects members of the global network. To this end, the devices have to support the fundamental Internet technology: routing.

However, traditional routing algorithms for the Internet are poorly suited for the resource-constrained wireless micro-devices. Likewise, existing algorithms targeting such devices have their limitations. More specifically, they are either practical, in the sense that they are used in actual real-world deployments, or scalable, in the sense that they can support networks comprising thousands of nodes, but not both.

Our project thus aims to develop a routing protocol for networks of low-power wireless micro-devices that would be simultaneously practical and scalable.


The following scientific publications are results of the project:

  1. Paszkowska, A. and Iwanicki, K.: “Modeling and proving dynamic behaviors of a routing protocol: A tutorial,” International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Volume 17, Issue 12, SAGE, December 2021, 42 pages, DOI: 10.1177/15501477211058667.
  2. Banaszek, M., Dubiel, W., Lysiak, J., Debski, M., Kisiel, M., Lazarczyk, D., Glogowska, E., Gumienny, P., Siluszyk, C., Ciolkosz, P., Paszkowska, A., Rub, I., Matraszek, M., Acedanski, S., Horban, P., and Iwanicki, K.: “1KT: A Low-Cost 1000-Node Low-Power Wireless IoT Testbed,” In MSWiM 2021: Proceedings of the 24th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, Alicante, Spain, November 2021, pp. 109–113, DOI: 10.1145/3479239.3485708. [slides]
  3. Banaszek, M., Rub, I., Debski, M., Paszkowska, A., Kisiel, M., Lazarczyk, D., Glogowska, E., Gumienny, P., Siluszyk, C., Ciolkosz, P., Lysiak, J., Dubiel, W., Acedanski, S., Horban, P., and Iwanicki, K.: “Lessons from Communication Problems that Nearly Jeopardized Development of Hardware-Software Support for a 1000-Device IoT Testbed,” In EWSN 2020: Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks, FAILSAFE Workshop, Lyon, France, February 2020, pp. 259–264, URL: https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.5555/3400306.3400357. [slides]
  4. Paszkowska, A. and Iwanicki, K.: “Failure Handling in RPL Implementations: A Qualitative Study,” in Mission-Oriented Sensor Networks and Systems: Art and Science, Volume 1: Foundations (Habib M. Ammari ed.), Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland, September 2019, pp. 49–95, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-91146-5_3.
  5. Iwanicki, K.: “A Distributed Systems Perspective on Industrial IoT,” In ICDCS 2018: Proceedings of the 38th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, Vienna, Austria, July 2018, pp. 1164–1170, DOI: 10.1109/ICDCS.2018.00116. [slides]
  6. Paszkowska, A. and Iwanicki, K.: “On Designing Provably Correct DODAG Formation Criteria for the IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL),” In DCOSS 2018: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, New York City, NY, USA, June 2018, pp. 43–52, DOI: 10.1109/DCOSS.2018.00014. (Received the Best Paper Award.) [slides]
  7. Rub, I., Acedanski, S., and Iwanicki, K.: “Ad Hoc 802.11-802.15.4 Crosstalk-Based Communication in Practice,” In EWSN 2018: Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks, MadCom Workshop, Madrid, Spain, February 2018, pp. 239–244, URL: https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3234904. [slides]
  8. Paszkowska, A. and Iwanicki, K.: “The IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low-power and Lossy Networks (RPL) under Network Partitions,” In EWSN 2018: Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks, Madrid, Spain, February 2018, pp. 90–101, URL: https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3234860. [slides]
  9. Iwanicki, K.: “RNFD: Routing-Layer Detection of DODAG (Root) Node Failures in Low-Power Wireless Networks,” In IPSN 2016: Proceedings of the 15th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, Vienna, Austria, April 2016, pp. 1–12, DOI: 10.1109/IPSN.2016.7460720. [slides]

A complete list of the project leader's publications can in turn be found here.


The patches fixing the behavior of ContikiRPL and TinyRPL, as described in our EWSN 2018 paper.

The full prototype implementation of the RNFD protocol for Contiki-NG is available here.

The entire code we developed for CherryMote nodes is available here.

More downloads are avaiable on the testbed site.


1KT is an experimental testbed comprising 1000 nodes that we have built as part of the project. More information on the testbed can be found on a dedicated website.


The project was covered in the following media:

  1. Konrad Iwanicki: “Internet Rzeczy” Delta, no. 6(529), June 2018, pages 9–11, [online version in Polish].
  2. Magdalena Miernik: “Kreatywnie o biznesie #5: Przyszłość pod znakiem internetu rzeczy”, Lookreatywni.pl portal, January 23, 2016, [online version in Polish].
  3. Jakub Jamrozek: “Polak w sieci. Jesteśmy pokoleniem ekranów”, Się Mówi radio show of Polish Radio 4 (Czwórka) — mostly about the information deluge and its impact on people [online version in Polish].
  4. Uniwersytet Warszawski: Pismo Uczelni, no. 5(75), winter 2015, section “W Soczewce” page 23: “Świat rzeczy inteligentnych” [online version in Polish].


Research team

Currently, the following people are involved in the project:

The following people were in turn involved in the project in the past:

  • Szymon Acedanski [core member]
  • Piotr Ciolkosz [student member]
  • Maciej Debski [student member]
  • Wojciech Dubiel [student member]
  • Ewa Glogowska [student member]
  • Przemyslaw Gumienny [student member]
  • Przemyslaw Horban [core member]
  • Maciej Kisiel [student member]
  • Malgorzata Koslacz [administrative assistant]
  • Dawid Lazarczyk [student member]
  • Jacek Lysiak [student member]
  • Marlena Nowinska [administrative assistant]
  • Agnieszka Paszkowska [student member]
  • Cezary Siluszyk [student member]
  • Inga Rüb [student member]


Currently, there are no openings. No new recruitment process is planned.