Conference on
Algebraic Topology

June 12 - 19, 1997
Kazimierz, Poland

List of Talks:

Dominique Arlettaz The mod 2 cohomology of the linear group over the integers.
David J. Benson Phantom maps in algebra and topology.
Carles Casacuberta A universal space for plus-contruction.
Marcin Chalupnik On the homology of the Linear Group over the ring of dual numbers.
Frank Connolly An end theorem for stratified spaces.
William Dwyer Natural Transformations.
Tom Farrell Smooth rigidity: questions, some answers.
Pawel Gajer Iterated loop spaces and Deligne cohomology.
Henry Glover Torsion in H*(Out Fn).
Kathryn Hess-Bellwald Generalized homological perturbation theory.
Lars Hesselholt Topological Cyclic Homology.
John Klein Embeddings, disjuction and Poincar'e duality.
Andrzej Kozlowski The space of polynomials with roots of bounded multiplicity.
Igor Kriz A Real-Oriented analogue of the Adams-Novikov spectral sequence
Ayelet Lindenstrauss The topological Hochschild homology of number rings.
Florian Luca The Jacobson radical of a Green functor.
Wolfgang Lueck Von Neumann dimension and applications to geometry and K-theory.
Waclaw Marzantowicz Positive density of minimal periods of homeomorphism of compact surface.
Jesper M. Moller The 3-compact group DI(2).
Hans-Jorgen Munkholm On Waldhausen's Nil groups and cc K-theory.
Frank Neumann Cohomology of homogeneous spaces, torsion and the Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence.
Dietrich Notbohm Spaces with polynomial cohomology.
Wieslaw J. Oledzki Exotic involutions of spheres detected by spectral invariants.
Bob Oliver Fixed points and tangent bundles of smooth actions on disks.
Ulrike Reichenbach Representations of Burnside rings.
Jose L. Rodriguez Localizations of abelian Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces of finite type.
Michal Sadowski Homotopical invariants of cyclic group actions on aspherical manifolds and their applications.
Stefan Schwede An exact sequence interpretation of the Lie bracket in Hochschild cohomology.
Brooke Shipley Symmetric ring spectra and topological Hochschild homology.
Vladimir Smirnov On the problem of calculation of higher differentials of the homotopy spectral sequences.
Andrzej Szczepanski Methods of classification of flat manifolds.
Nicole Tischler Postnikov invariants of loop spaces and H-spaces.
Rainer Vogt n-fold monoidal categories model for n-fold loop spaces.
Vladimir Voyevodsky Motivic cohomology of finite groups.
Andrzej Weber A canonical lift of Chern-Mather class to intersection homology.
Clarence Wilkerson Torsion in the cohomology of classifying spaces.
Peter D. Zvengrowski The order of line bundles.

Proceedings from the conference appeared in
Fundamenta Mathematicae Volume 161, Number 1-2, 1999

Table of contents: